
Serial Port Programming using Win32 API(轉載)

In this tutorial we will learn How to communicate with an external device like a microcontroller board or modem using the Serial port of a windows PC(Windows XP,7). The software is written using C language and communicates with the Serial Port using Win32 API.

In Windows ,Serial ports are named as COM1,COM2 ,COM3.. etc .COM1 and COM2 usually refer to the hardware serial ports present in the PC while COM numbers in double digits likeCOM32,COM54,COM24.. etc are given to USB to Serial Converters or PCI serial port extenders.


Serial Port Programming using Win32 API(轉載)

Compilers and IDE's used

If you don't want to download the Visual Studio and want something simpler you can use MinGW, which is an open source port of GCC for windows environment. After you have installed the MinGW, package make sure to add gcc to system path so that you can call it from anywhere.

To find out the COM number corresponding to your serial port, Open Device Manager by right clicking on My Computer icon and selecting Manage → Device Manager.Under Ports(COM & LPT) you can see the parallel and serial ports (COM) detected by your system.

Serial Port Programming using Win32 API(轉載)
Serial Port Programming using Win32 API(轉載)

In Windows we use the CreateFile() function to open a serial port.

CreateFile() is a Win 32 function which is used to create or open a file, stream or an IO device like serial port.On success CreateFile() will return a handle which is then used to refer the connection in all subsequent operations.

After opening a serial port using the CreateFile() function you should close it with CloseHandle()function, otherwise port will become unavailable to other programs.



int main()


  HANDLE hComm;

  hComm = CreateFile("\\\\.\\COM24",                //port name

                      GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, //Read/Write

                      0,                            // No Sharing

                      NULL,                         // No Security

                      OPEN_EXISTING,// Open existing port only

                      0,            // Non Overlapped I/O

                      NULL);        // Null for Comm Devices


      printf("Error in opening serial port");


      printf("opening serial port successful");

  CloseHandle(hComm);//Closing the Serial Port

  return 0;


Find out the COM port corresponding to your system and substitute in CreateFile() instead of COM24.

Now compile and run the program by pressing F5 in Visual Studio


by running the following command for gcc (MingW).Please make sure that gcc is added to you system path.

D:\> gcc -o serial serial.c

Serial Port Programming using Win32 API(轉載)

Now let me explain the code ,

windows.h header file contain all the definitions, function prototypes and constants required by the program.

In Windows everything is controlled by using handles.In the first line


we declare a handle hcomm to access and control the serial port.

Next we open a connection to serial port using CreateFile() function. The CreateFile() function on success, returns a valid handle to the hComm variable.

CreateFile() function takes 7 arguments,

1. Name of the serial port to be opened here \\\\.\\COM24.

2. Mode of access, here Read and Write

3. Sharing options, Serial ports can't be shared so 0

4. NULL for Serial ports, used for File operations

5. Open the existing port, OPEN_EXISTING

6. Overlapped IO or Non overlapped IO, here 0 means we are using NonOverlapped IO. Overlapped IO is used for multithreaded programs where

several threads can interact with the port simultaneously.

7. NULL for Serial port, used for file operations

If the function succeeds in opening the serial port, it returns a valid handle to hcomm which is then used for error checking.

After that the connection to the port is closed using


Please note that in Windows, COM port numbers from COM1 to COM9 are reserved by the system. If you are using a serial port whose COM port number falls in that range, you don't need the back slashes (\\\\.\\)shown in the above code.

You can access the serial port like this,

hComm = CreateFile("COM1",          // for COM1—COM9 only

                   GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, //Read/Write

                   0,               // No Sharing

                   NULL,            // No Security

                   OPEN_EXISTING,   // Open existing port only

                   0,               // Non Overlapped I/O


In Windows ,settings like Baud rate ,Number of start/Stop bits,data formats etc for the serial port are controlled by the DCB structure.

To Configure the DCB structure we use two functions,

GetCommState() function which retrieves the current control settings of the serial port and

SetCommState() function which configures the serial port with the new values in DCB structure provided by us.

First you declare a new structure of type DCB and initializes it.

DCB dcbSerialParams = { 0 }; // Initializing DCB structure

dcbSerialParams.DCBlength = sizeof(dcbSerialParams);

After that retrieve the current settings of the serial port using the GetCommState() function.

Status = GetCommState(hComm, &dcbSerialParams);

and set the values for Baud rate, Byte size, Number of start/Stop bits etc.

dcbSerialParams.BaudRate = CBR_9600;  // Setting BaudRate = 9600

dcbSerialParams.ByteSize = 8;         // Setting ByteSize = 8

dcbSerialParams.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;// Setting StopBits = 1

dcbSerialParams.Parity   = NOPARITY;  // Setting Parity = None

if you want to change the Baud rate values prefix standard values with CBR like this CBR_4800,CBR_9600,CBR_192600 etc.

Number of Stop bits can be changed to ONESTOPBIT or TWOSTOPBITS.

Parity can also be changed to EVENPARITY,ODDPARITY,NOPARITY etc.

Now its time to configure the serial port according to the DCB structure using SetCommState()function.

SetCommState(hComm, &dcbSerialParams);

Timeouts helps to prevent your program from waiting endlessly till data arrives. It helps the read or write calls to return after a set time period has elapsed.

COMMTIMEOUTS timeouts = { 0 };

timeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout         = 50; // in milliseconds

timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant    = 50; // in milliseconds

timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier  = 10; // in milliseconds

timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant   = 50; // in milliseconds

timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10; // in milliseconds

All values are in milliseconds.

ReadIntervalTimeout Specifies the maximum time interval between arrival of two bytes. If the arrival time exceeds these limits the ReadFile() function returns.

ReadTotalTimeoutConstant is used to calculate the total time-out period for read operations. For each read operation, this value is added to the product of the ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier member and the requested number of bytes.

ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier is used to calculate the total time-out period for read operations. For each read operation, this value is multiplied by the requested number of bytes to be read.

WriteTotalTimeoutConstant similar to ReadTotalTimeoutConstant but for write operation.

WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier similar to ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier but for writeoperation.

After this you have to set the values using SetCommTimeouts() function.

Writing data to the opened serial port is accomplished by the WriteFile() function. WriteFile() function can be used to write both into the files and I/O ports.

char lpBuffer[] = "A";

DWORD dNoOFBytestoWrite;         // No of bytes to write into the port

DWORD dNoOfBytesWritten = 0;     // No of bytes written to the port

dNoOFBytestoWrite = sizeof(lpBuffer);

Status = WriteFile(hComm,        // Handle to the Serial port

                   lpBuffer,     // Data to be written to the port

                   dNoOFBytestoWrite,  //No of bytes to write

                   &dNoOfBytesWritten, //Bytes written

hComm Handle of the serial port to write.

lpBuffer[] character array containing the data to write into the serial port.

dNoOFBytestoWrite is the total number of bytes to be written into the serial port.Here we are using the sizeof() operator to find out that .

dNoOfBytesWritten is the total number of bytes written successfully to the port by theWriteFile() operation.

Now in the Zip File containing the source codes you can find "USB2SERIAL_Write_W32.c" which contains the complete code for writing into serial port. You can compile the code using Visual Studio Express or GCC.

Serial Port Programming using Win32 API(轉載)
Serial Port Programming using Win32 API(轉載)

Please note that if you are using a DB9 RS232 Serial Port of your PC, you will have to build a RS232 signal level converter at the microcontroller side to decode the RS232 signal.

Directly connecting the PC's RS232 Serial port to MSP430 's pins will damage the chip.

Here is the screen shot of the Program writing into serial port.

Serial Port Programming using Win32 API(轉載)

Reading from the serial port is accomplished by the ReadFile() function.

One way to do that is to use polling where the ReadFile() continuously reads from the serial port and checks for any received characters.

Other way is to setup an event and let windows notify us when a character is received.

We are going to use the second method here, following are the steps.

1. Create an Event for a particular action like character reception, change in modem lines etc usingSetCommMask() function .

2. Ask windows to wait for the event set by SetCommMask() function using WaitCommEvent() and notify us when the condition happens.

3. Call ReadFile () to read the received data from the Serial port.

Functions used are

SetCommMask() is used to set the events to be monitored for a communication device. Here we are going to set the event as character received (EV_RXCHAR).The function takes two arguments, Handle of the serial port (hComm) and the code for the event (EV_RXCHAR) to be monitored.

Status = SetCommMask(hComm, EV_RXCHAR);

WaitCommEvent() is used to wait for the events set by SetCommMask() to happen, in this case reception of a character. The flow of execution of the program stops and the program waits until a character is received.   

DWORD dwEventMask; 

Status = WaitCommEvent(hComm, &dwEventMask, NULL);  

dwEventMask contains a hex value indicating the event, which has caused WaitCommEvent() to return.

After WaitCommEvent() has returned, call ReadFile() function to read the received characters from the Serial Port Buffer.

char TempChar; //Temporary character used for reading

char SerialBuffer[256];//Buffer for storing Rxed Data

DWORD NoBytesRead;

int i = 0;



   ReadFile( hComm,           //Handle of the Serial port

             &TempChar,       //Temporary character

             sizeof(TempChar),//Size of TempChar

             &NoBytesRead,    //Number of bytes read


   SerialBuffer[i] = TempChar;// Store Tempchar into buffer



while (NoBytesRead > 0);

ReadFile() function is similar to the WriteFile() function we had seen earlier,instead of writing we are reading from the serial port.

&TempChar Temporary variable used to store the byte read from serial port buffer.

sizeof(TempChar) used to calculate the number of bytes to read.

&NoBytesRead Bytes successfully read by the ReadFile().

Now in the Zip File containing the source codes you can find "USB2SERIAL_Read_W32.c" which contains the complete code for writing into serial port. You can compile the code using Visual Studio Express or GCC.

On running "USB2SERIAL_Read_W32.exe" ,The code will wait for the characters to be transmitted by the microcontroller.

Serial Port Programming using Win32 API(轉載)

Reset the Micro controller to transmit the string "Hello from MSP430".

Serial Port Programming using Win32 API(轉載)
