
Migration from MapGuide 6.5 to MagGuide Enterprise

<b>由于MapGuide Enterprise/OpenSource與MapGuide6.5在結構上有很大不同,使用者一般需要重新很多代碼才能實作移植,請參考下面的資料。</b>


<b>What tools are available that can help with transitioning Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 installations to Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise software?</b>

We recognize the transition from Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 to Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise software may involve more than simply upgrading software. The two versions of MapGuide technology have many differences, so partners / customers should plan their migration or new development carefully. The following resources are available to help Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 customers move forward with Autodesk MapGuide Enterprise software:

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本文轉自峻祁連. Moving to Cloud/Mobile部落格園部落格,原文連結:http://www.cnblogs.com/junqilian/archive/2010/05/27/1745359.html,如需轉載請自行聯系原作者
