
HTML5 Top 10 Threats Stealth Attacks and Silent Exploits

HTML5 is an emerging stack for next generation applications. HTML5 is enhancing browser capabilities and able

to execute Rich Internet Applications in the context of modern browser architecture. Interestingly HTML5 can run on mobile devices as well and it makes even more complicated. HTML5 is not a single technology stack but combination of various components like

XMLHttpRequest (XHR), Document Object model (DOM), Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and enhanced HTML/Browser rendering. It brings several new technologies to the browser which were not seen before like localstorage, webSQL, websocket, webworkers, enhanced

XHR, DOM based XPATH to name a few. It has enhanced attack surface and point of exploitations for attacker and malicious agents. By leveraging these vectors one can craft stealth attacks and silent exploits, it is hard to detect and easy to compromise.  

• ClickJacking & Phishing by mixing layers and iframe 

• CSRF and leveraging CORS to bypass SOP 

• Attacking WebSQL and client side SQL injection 

• Stealing information from Storage and Global variables 

• HTML 5 tag abuse and XSS 

• HTML 5/DOM based XSS and redirects 

• DOM injections and Hijacking with HTML 5 

• Abusing thick client features 

• Using WebSockets for stealth attacks

• Abusing WebWorker functionality   

Above attack vectors and understanding will give more idea about HTML5 security concerns and required defense.

It is imperative to focus on these new attack vectors and start addressing in today’s environment before attackers start leveraging these features to their advantage.