
red5 server使用筆記(一)


    red5是一個采用Java開發,開源的Flash流媒體伺服器。它支援把音頻(MP3)和視訊(FLV)轉換成播放流;錄制用戶端播放流(隻支援FLV);共享對象;現場直播流釋出;遠端調用。Red5使用RSTP作為流媒體傳輸協定,在其自帶的一些示例中示範了線上錄制、flash流媒體播放、線上聊天、視訊會議等一些基本功能。 程式員還可以基于red5、根據自己的需求開發自己的視訊應用程式。

    由于沒有安裝 JDK,是以安裝完成後啟動 red5 時報告錯誤“JAVA_HOME environment variable not set!”。于是下載下傳 JDK1.6 運作環境,檔案是 jdk-6u10-rc2-bin-b32-windows-i586-p-12_sep_2008.exe,安裝到 C:\Java\jre6,然後配置系統環境變量 JAVA_HOME 等于 C:\Java\jre6,注意不要寫成 C:\Java\jre6\bin。不用重新啟動機器,red5 就可以啟動了,啟動後顯示一個 DOS 視窗,不要關閉它!

<a href="http://blog.51cto.com/attachment/201003/095639679.png" target="_blank"></a>

    This page is used to test the proper operation of the Red5 server after it has been installed. If you can read this page it means that the Red5 server installed at this site is working properly.

    If you would like to watch an instructional video on Red5 and have access to YouTube, click here

    If you prefer to jump right in, follow these steps:

    - Install a ready-made application

    - Launch a demo

    Further information about Red5 can be found at any of these links: official homepage | wiki | old homepage

    Be sure to subscribe the mailing list to get help or to be notified about new versions. You can also use the mailing list to ask questions about Red5.


    Adding or modifying admin users:

    This page will allow you to add or modify users, make sure you remove it when you are done since it allows anyone to add users to your admin.


    2. Start your red5 server

    3. Put the “admin.jsp” file in “red5/webapps/root” directory

    5. Enter your info and submit

    6. Go to the admin panel and login

