



In addition to the standard textual format, BIND 9 supports the ability to read or dump to zone files in other formats. The raw format is currently available as an additional format. It is a binary format

representing BIND 9’s internal data structure directly, thereby remarkably improving the loading time.

For a primary server, a zone file in the raw format is expected to be generated from a textual zone file

by the named-compilezone command. For a secondary server or for a dynamic zone, it is automatically

generated (if this format is specified by the masterfile-format option) when named dumps the zone

contents after zone transfer or when applying prior updates.

If a zone file in a binary format needs manual modification, it first must be converted to a textual form by

the named-compilezone command. All necessary modification should go to the text file, which should then be converted to the binary form by the named-compilezone command again.

Although the raw format uses the network byte order and avoids architecture-dependent data alignment

so that it is as much portable as possible, it is primarily expected to be used inside the same single

In order to export a zone file in the raw format or make a portable backup of the file, it is

to convert the file to the standard textual representation.

1 . 在上面的資料中,仔細閱讀masterfile-format這一行,似乎有了新的思路。

2 . 修改從伺服器相關的配置檔案(/etc/named.conf ),添加如下一行:

3 . 重新開機從伺服器:

4 . 過幾秒檢視slave目錄下的域檔案内容,是否跟主伺服器一緻。