
【.Net MF新動向】所有代碼将開源

.Net Micro Framework将開源,這對長期工作在Windows平台的嵌入式開發愛好者應該是個好消息,不僅license免費,而且所有的代碼将開源。

.Net Micro Framework和其它嵌入式系統最大的優勢就是應用程式開發調試簡單,想想看對一個提供嵌入式産品的公司來說,一旦前期的平台定制完成,餘下的應用程式的開發将是非常容易的事,想想看,對水準不高不低的嵌入式開發人員真是一個沖擊,因為一個C#程式員就可以開發嵌入式應用了。

總之開源是個好事情,是微軟的英明之舉,目前該工作正在有條不紊的進行之中... ...


Following the move of the .NET Micro Framework team to the Developer Division of Microsoft we are planning on involving the community in the future definition and development of the product by allowing access to the source code of the runtime and object model, as well as the drivers. We are currently in the process of framing the rules of engagement and we hope to be able to offer both a process for a regulated development effort and a broad license, so that it will be possible to take advantage of the code base without necessarily contributing to the community.  The details and the rules of this engagement will be defined over the near term with your involvement as well. 

The evolution of the core code will be managed to insure small size, good performance, quality and consistency. The .NET Micro Framework team will provide the initial guidance and the necessary tools to facilitate the contribution of code at all levels of the stack. With the community participation, we are looking at creating an arbitration process to drive the evolution of the product and the development activity. Stay tuned for the official announcement and please provide us with your thoughts through the usual channels.

Lorenzo Tessiore

Developer Manager
