
翻譯 | 3種方式提升雲可擴充性



雲計算作為一種資源, 它的可擴充性是指關于如何處理可變規模業務的能力. 包括 水準擴充 和 垂直擴充.


水準擴充(horizontal scaling)

也稱為橫向擴充, 指能夠連接配接多個軟硬體的特性,這樣可以将多個伺服器從邏輯上看成一個實體.

垂直擴充(vertical scaling)

當一個現有IT資源被具有更大或更小容量的資源所代替,則為垂直擴充. 也就是對目前伺服器的CPU性能等進行原地的擴大和縮小. 由于在進行垂直擴充的時候伺服器需要停機(就如同我們平時使用虛拟機時, 要重新配置設定它的記憶體或CPU的時候需要先關機, 是以在雲環境中這類擴充并不常見.


在亞馬遜雲服務中部署被盛贊為是一個很好的方式來實作高擴充性, 并且你隻需要支付你所使用的雲計算機性能即可。那麼,如何從這項技術中獲得最佳的擴充性呢?

Deploying in the Amazon cloud is touted as a great way to achieve high scalability while paying only for the computing power you use. How do you get the best scalability from the technology?

1. 使用彈性伸縮(Use Auto-scaling)


Auto-scaling is a unique feature of cloud computing and Amazon's EC2 offering. Setup a load balancer and a couple of webservers for your application as you normally would. Design your webserver based on a template AMI that you'll reuse over and over. Then setup auto-scaling and set thresholds based on the traffic you forecast. When a threshold is passed, AWS will spinup a new instance of your webserver, and roll it into the load balancer pool automatically. Once traffic falls below the scale back threshold, Amazon will take a server out of the pool for you.


Be sure to monitor this activity to start with, and also run some load and stress tests on it. You want to ensure that it behaves as you expect, and no anomalous cases will cause you to spinup servers unnecessarily.

2. 橫向伸縮資料庫層(Horizontally Scale the Database Tier)


MySQL offers a number of solutions here. You can configure MySQL in a master-master active passive cluster, also known as circular replication. In this configuration, MySQL will send all completed transactions to the other server in the cluster. Your passive server can also handle read traffic for your application. At the same time as you achieve high availability, you also get scalability by sending much of the SELECT traffic off to another server.

随着負載的進一步增長,将額外的隻讀的從盤(read-only slave) 轉入你的設定, 你就可以進一步擴大讀取操作的規模。在執行此操作時,你可以繼續将所有寫入的内容發送到單個處于活動狀态的主資料庫。

As the load grows further, roll in an additional read-only slave into your setup. You can then further scale out reads. As you do this, you'll continue to send all writes to the single active master database.
[注]我們為PC配置額外硬碟時, 原有的裝有系統的盤可以稱為主盤(Master)
作為擴充的硬碟稱為從盤(Slave), 在伺服器上類似.

或者,你希望采用基于MySQL社群版( community)伺服器的亞馬遜RDS解決方案,但需要某些設定保持鎖定。在這個配置中,你将不能使用諸如Percona的高速伺服器之類的另一種MySQL發行版。這個配置提供的是multi-az(多可用區)配置。請記住,任何你啟動的MySQL伺服器都将有一個區域和可用性空間作為其配置的一部分,是以你可以在亞馬遜網絡服務中自由使用這些功能來提高可用性。

As an alternative, you may wish to employ Amazon's RDS solution, which is based on the MySQL community server, but with certain locked in settings. In this configuration you will not be able to use an alternate MySQL distribution such as Percona's high speed server. What this configuration does offer is multi-az configuration. Keep in mind though that any MySQL server you spinup will have a region and availability zone as part of it's configuration, so you are always free to use those features of Amazon's network to increase availability.

如果單個主資料庫上的負載仍存在問題,那麼可以垂直擴充該節點。通過在EBS的根卷(root volume)上執行個體化一個新的更大的EC2執行個體來完成此操作。然後分離該root volume,停止你的舊執行個體,分離舊執行個體的root volume,并将其移動到新的伺服器。當你将那個活動的root volume附加上去,新的更大的EC2執行個體将是你原來的伺服器,也就是你的伺服器就地擴大了!

If the load on the single master database continues to be a problem, you can vertically scale that node in place. Do this by spinning up a new larger EC2 instance on and EBS root volume. Then detach that root volume, stop your old instance, detach it's root volume and move it over to the new server. Once you attach that live root volume, your new larger EC2 instance will be your original server, scaled UP in place!

3. 使用 條帶化(Striped) EBS root volume

[注] EBS, Elastic Block Store, 即彈性塊存儲

EBS是一項非常棒的技術,因為它為每個EC2執行個體帶來了存儲區域網絡的靈活性。這不是沒有挑戰,并且有時在磁盤I / O (input/output) 的吞吐量上還會有很大的變化。這個變化對資料庫層而言是一個挑戰。請記住,亞馬遜的基礎架構虛拟化層将根據執行個體的大小增加或減少執行個體接收的磁盤I / O數量。

EBS is a great technology, as it brings the flexibility of a storage area network to each of your EC2 instances. It's not without it's challenges though, and at times you will experience great variability in disk I/O throughput. This can pose a challenge for the database tier especially. Keep in mind too, that Amazon's infrastructure virtualization layer will dial up or dial down the amount of disk I/O your instance receives based on how large the instance is.

另一個獲得更好EBS性能的方法是使用Linux軟體的RAID技術。由于EBS内置備援,是以你可以簡單地在多個EBS卷上使用Striping或RAID 0 -- 我們推薦使用4個。

One additional way to get better EBS performance is by using Linux's software raid technology. Since EBS already has redundancy built in, you can simply use striping or RAID 0 across a number of EBS volumes - we recommend four.
[注] RAID, Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
即磁盤陣列, 利用數組方式來作磁盤組, 将資料切割成許多區段
分别存放在各個硬碟上, 在數組中任意一個硬碟故障時,仍可讀出資料

一共有0~6一共7種,這其中RAID 0、RAID1、RAID 5和RAID6比較常用。

RAID 0 又稱為Stripe(條帶化,串列)或Striping

RAID 0:如果你有n塊磁盤,原來隻能同時寫一塊磁盤,寫滿了再下一塊,
做了RAID 0之後,n塊可以同時寫,速度提升很快,但由于沒有備份,



Be careful with such configurations as each of your EBS volumes won't operate by themselves now, but require all four to be complete. This will impact EBS snapshot backups, as well.
文章連結 : https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1020235
原文作者:Sean Hull
封面圖案:Julien Deveaux