
2020國慶節 Angular structual 指令學習筆記(<ng-template>) 包含文法糖解糖過程

2020國慶節 Angular structual 指令學習筆記(<ng-template>) 包含文法糖解糖過程



A component manages a region of HTML in the manner of a native HTML element. Technically it’s a directive with a template.

An attribute directive changes the appearance or behavior of an element, component, or another directive. For example, the built-in NgStyle directive changes several element styles at the same time.

2020國慶節 Angular structual 指令學習筆記(<ng-template>) 包含文法糖解糖過程


NgIf takes a boolean expression and makes an entire chunk of the DOM appear or disappear.

2020國慶節 Angular structual 指令學習筆記(<ng-template>) 包含文法糖解糖過程
2020國慶節 Angular structual 指令學習筆記(<ng-template>) 包含文法糖解糖過程
2020國慶節 Angular structual 指令學習筆記(<ng-template>) 包含文法糖解糖過程


The parser translates let hero, let i, and let odd into variables named let-hero, let-i, and let-odd.

As the NgFor directive loops through the list, it sets and resets properties of its own context object. These properties can include, but aren’t limited to, index, odd, and a special property named $implicit.


Template input variable

A template input variable is a variable whose value you can reference within a single instance of the template. 可以在模闆的某一個具體執行個體内被使用。

2020國慶節 Angular structual 指令學習筆記(<ng-template>) 包含文法糖解糖過程


2020國慶節 Angular structual 指令學習筆記(<ng-template>) 包含文法糖解糖過程
2020國慶節 Angular structual 指令學習筆記(<ng-template>) 包含文法糖解糖過程
2020國慶節 Angular structual 指令學習筆記(<ng-template>) 包含文法糖解糖過程

還有一種情況,某些html元素要求其子元素必須是一種特殊的類型,比如的子元素必須是, 二者中間不能再引入或者等中間層級。像下圖這種設計,最後是看不到下拉菜單的:是一種grouping element,不會幹預HTML正常的布局和樣式,因為Angular不會将其渲染到最終的HTML中去。
