
Business Partner Relationship Category in CRM and C4CC4C


all value for SAP CRM Business Partner Relationship Category or RELTYP ( based on SAP CRM Table TBZ9 ( Text table is TBZ9A ):

BUR001 – Contact Person Rel.ship – Has Contact Person | Is Contact Person For

BUR002 – Act. Partner Relationship – Has Activity Partner | Is Activity Partner For

BUR003 – Shared Living Arrangement – Has Shared Living Arrangement Member | Belongs to Shared Living Arrangement

BUR004 – Marriage – Is Married To |

BUR006 – Alias (Identity) – Is Identical To |

BUR010 – Employee Relationship – Has the Employee | Is Employee of

BUR011 – Responsible Employee – Has the Employee Responsible | Is the Employee Responsible For

BUR013 – Replacement Relationship – Is Replaced By | Replaces

BUR020 – Department – Has Department | Is Department Of

BUR021 – Parent-Child Relationship – Has Child | Is Child Of

BUR022 – Guardian Relationship – Is Guardian | Has Guardian

BUR023 – Relationship – Is Related To |

BUR024 – Marriage Partnership – Has Partner in Marriage Partnership | Belongs to Marriage Partnership

BUR025 – Inspector – Is Inspector Of | Has the Inspector

BUR998 – Partner Relationship – Test: Partner < -> Partner |

BURC01 – Shareholder Relationship – Is Shareholder Of | Has Shareholder

CHM001 – CHM – Relationship – Responsible for Channel Partner | Responsible Channel Manager Unit

CHM002 – Ship-To Party Relatship – Has the Ship-To Party/Recipient | Is the Ship-To Party/Recipient Of

CHM003 – Corporate Family – Corporate Family Has the Member | Is Member of Corporate Family

CHM004 – Third Party – Has Third Party | Is Third Party Of

CHM005 – Resp. Partner Contact – Has the Responsible Partner Contact | Is Responsible Partner Contact For

CPG001 – Sold-To Party Relationshp – Has the Sold-To Party | Is the Sold-To Party Of

CRME01 – Trader Relationship – Is Trader For | Has Trader

CRME02 – Trader – End Customer – Has End Customer | Is End Customer Of

CRME03 – Service Center Relship – Is Service Center | Has Service Center

CRMH00 – Undefined relationship – Has an undefined relationship with | Is the undefined partner of

CRMH02 – Ship-To Party Relatship – Has the Ship-To Party/Recipient | Is the Ship-To Party/Recipient Of

CRMH03 – Payer Relationship – Has the payer | Is the payer ofCRMH04 – Bill-To-Party Relationshp – Has the Bill-To Party | Is the Bill-To Party Of

CRMH06 – Responsible BP – Has the Responsible Business Partner | Is Responsible BP For

CRMH07 – Wholesaler – Has the Wholesaler | Is Wholesaler for

CRMI01 – Personal Contact – Has the Personal Contact | Is Personal Contact Of

CRMM01 – Alternative Payer Relship – Has the Alternative Payer | Is Alternative Payer for

CRMM02 – Payee Relationship – Has Payee | Is Payee For

CRMM03 – Corr.Recipient Relship – Has Correspondence Recipient | Is Correspondence Recipient for

CRMM04 – Dunning Recipient Relship – Has Dunning Recipient | Is Dunning Recipient for

CRMS01 – Carrier – Has the Carrier | Is the Carrier For

CRMS02 – Manager for Entitlements – Manages Entitlements From | Entitlements Are Managed By

CRMS03 – Responsible Scrapper – Is the Responsible Scrapper For | Has the Responsible Scrapper

CRMS09 – Remanufacturer – Is the Remanufacturer For | Has the Remanufacturer

ICM001 – Organization Responsible – Has the Responsible Organization | Is the Responsible Organization For

ICM002 – External Organization – Has the External Organization | Is the External Organization For

ICM003 – External Person – Has External Person | Is the External Person For

ISHAPH – Attending Physician – Has Attending Physician | Is Attending Physician For

ISHINS – Health Insurance Provider – Has Health Insurance Provider | Is Health Insurance Provider For

Business Partner Relationship Category in CRM and C4CC4C


Business Partner Relationship Category in CRM and C4CC4C

Maintain Relationships:

Business Partner Relationship Category in CRM and C4CC4C
Business Partner Relationship Category in CRM and C4CC4C
