
APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

If I create a new representation in APF modeler:

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

Execute the configuration in APF modeler, I could see the new representation:

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

But why will the changes affect the app in Fiori Launchpad Tile? If I go to the tile and run the app:

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

I could see the new representation too:

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

Usually I need to update the Fiori Project code manually and commit to project portal for review and central build, then update to BSP application.

I thought now APF modeler is automatically connected to the Fiori Project and trigger an automatic upload, but it’s not.

To my understanding, the tile is using the Semantic Object/Actions to link to a certain Target Mapping, and Target Mapping is linked to a certain BSP application, only when BSP app is updated, the tile will be updated too.

The reason for this phenomenon is because of this:

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

There’s now a APF drill down option in the Smart Business Tile configuration, could also select a specific APF configuration;

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

but why is drill down has such a effect?

No, I double checked, the reason is not simply because of this. I checked my tile, I’m using the old tile, not the new one Sean created, the old one didn’t have this configuration.

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題
APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題


在Tile App中讀取的時候

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

在APF Modeler中新增Representation儲存的時候:

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題


APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

APF的configuration都是以檔案的形式存在LREP裡的,這個LREP是一個repository,裡面的内容實際還是存在database table裡的。

你在UXT/928裡執行這個report ZLREP_READ試試。

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

APF在runtime的時候分為了vendor layer和customer layer. 在runtime的時候,如果使用者在smart business tile的設定中設定了Configuration,或者在Target Mapping中配置了Configuration ID,APF在runtime的時候都會在vendor layer直接去APF modeler中讀取app,不通過BSP application去取,在Tile中也一樣。

這是為了友善在開發系統上進行測試,也是友善客戶通過在APF modeler中import程式之後進行修改。隻有在程式deploy的時候,是通過自定義的Semantic Object/Action去擷取的BSP application。

也就是說在smart business tile中如果作的是如下設定:

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

沒有在Drill Down中選擇APF,但是隻要在target mapping中設定了Configuration ID,那麼APF runtime的時候都會去讀APF modeler中的設定。

APF model和Fiori launchpad tile的同步問題

但是很奇怪的是這和UXT重開之前的behavior是不一樣的,我很确定在之前我在target mapping中也設定了configuration ID,但是smart business tile是去取的BSP的application。

是以針對這一點,我會去Target Mapping中删除掉configuration ID,然後試試Tile是不是可以直接去取BSP app。原因在target mapping的設定裡,隻要target mapping裡設定了configuration id,那麼最終就會直接根據config id去lrep拿而忽略bsp的。換言之,在SSB裡tile裡的設定config其實是沒有用的。