
SAP MM VL34事務代碼批量建立Inbound Delivery

SAP MM VL34事務代碼批量建立Inbound Delivery

标準系統中,采購訂單裡的confirmation control key為0004(inbound delivery)的時候,

去執行VL34,才能順利為該采購訂單去建立inbound delivery,

去看采購訂單item的confirmation Tab,

如果是其它confirmation control key 比如0007等,可以使用VL31N去手工建立inbound delivery,而VL34卻不能成功執行。

也即是說VL34要想成功執行,對于confirmation control key是有講究的。關于背景配置,

Go to SM30 > Table V_T163L > Click Maintain > click on the check box "Create Inbound delivery" against the conformation control key used in PO. i.e 0004.

Maintain conformation control key in "Conformation" TAB of PO.

You can set up so that inbound deliveries are only created automatically for Order Type/plant/storage location combinations.

SPRO > Logistics Execution > Shipping >Deliveries > Define Order Confirmations for Inbound Deliveries.


2020-5-18 寫于蘇州市。