
postfix gmail relay

Jan  2 18:38:00 centos-vb3 postfix/smtp[31492]: warning: SASL authentication failure: No worthy mechs found

Jan  2 18:38:00 centos-vb3 postfix/smtp[31492]: F1CFA60BBD: SASL authentication failed; cannot authenticate to server smtp.gmail.com[]: no mechanism available

yum install cyrus-sasl-plain

vim /etc/postfix/main.cf

#Set the relayhost to the Gmail SMTP server
relayhost = smtp.gmail.com:587
smtp_use_tls = yes
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem
smtp_sasl_security_options =
smtp_tls_security_level = secure
smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = TLSv1
smtp_tls_mandatory_ciphers = high
smtp_tls_secure_cert_match = nexthop      

vim /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

# cat sasl_passwd

smtp.gmail.com [email protected]:123456

postmap /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

chmod 600 /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd*

chown postfix /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd*

/etc/init.d/postfix reload
