
世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World

世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World

世界上哪個城市最宜居? 每年,三個不同的組織都試着回答這個問題。那麼結果如何呢? 三個組織意見一緻嗎?



世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World

但是,像紐約、巴黎、倫敦那樣的著名城市情況如何呢?它們為什麼沒進入任何榜單的前十位呢? 它們都有着引人入勝的博物館和藝術館,全市遍及着極好的酒吧和酒店。而且這些城市總在前進更新。顯而易見,著名的城市通常是因為犯罪、交通和基礎設施不足而丢分。例如,《Monocle單片鏡》雜志就表示,雖然香港充滿活力和激情、但在“交通堵塞、空氣品質、住房條件和資源保護”諸方面還需要引起注意。

世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World

當然,并不是每個人都同意“最佳城市”的榜單。一些人批評榜單偏愛那些更加較為甯靜悠閑的城市。持此觀點者認為,很多人反倒喜歡住在狂熱而喧嚣的鬧市。事實上,一個記者在墨爾本采訪時發現,很多墨爾本市民想要去巴黎和紐約這樣的大城市居住。是以《經濟學家》又發表了另外一份調查報告。這份榜單更加考量到有名的大城市可以提供的東西(例如文化和種族的多樣性)。猜一猜這份榜單中“最佳城市”花落誰家? 竟是中國香港。緊随其後的前十中還有東京、阿姆斯特丹、柏林和巴黎。

世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World

那麼從旅遊者角度又怎麼考慮呢? 他們最喜歡的城市是哪個呢? 根據一個最新旅遊網站--《旅行顧問》的調查結果,旅遊者将倫敦選為最喜歡的城市。一個遊客在網上評論道:“我特别喜歡去倫敦,那裡有太多的事情可以做,遊完這個大城市大概需要一個月。倫敦曆史悠遠、懷舊情切、風景雅緻、咖濃酒香。其元素豐富足供每一個人各取所需、愛其所愛。”

世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World


世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World


The Economist英國《經濟學家》雜志,于1843年在倫敦創刊。《經濟學家》雜志治、經濟、國際問題以及科技、藝術、書評等專欄,分析世界經濟形勢,提供論世界政治、經濟和文化。

Mercer Quality of Living Survey《美世(美智)生活品質》雜志,為世界許多城市提供有價值的資訊和辛勞津貼建議。《美世生活品質》指數清單覆寫221座城市,城市生活品質排名以紐約為基準。

Lifestyle magazine Monocle 《單鏡片》全球性簡報,涵蓋國際新聞、商業财經、藝術文化、設計潮流等領域。

世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World

What's the best city in the world? Every year, there different organizations try to answer the question. So what are the results? And does every one agree?

The Economist agrees that the best city in the world is Melbourne( Australia).That's the result of the magazine's latest Global Livability Report, which it publishes every six month es 140 cities worldwide and gives each one a score from 0 to 100. Points are awarde for stability acess to health care, culture, environment and infrastructure. Melbourne scored 97. 5. The report praised the city's low crime rate, excellent infrastructure and easy access to parks. Other cities in the Economist's top 10 were Vienna(Austria),Vancouver(Canada)and

世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World


A similar report is the Mercer Quality of Living Survey. In the last survey(in 2011) it named Vienna(Austria)as the world's best city, followed by Zurich(Switzerland)and then Auckland (New Zealand). And it said the most eco-friendly city in the world is Calgary, Canada. Life Style Magazine Monocle also releases an annual "top city” list. In 2012 they decided Munich(Germany) was the best place to live in because of its connectivity, cultural centres, and abundance of green space.

But what about famous cities such as New York, Paris and London? Why aren't they in any of the top 10 lists? They are packed with fascinating museums and art galleries, full of great bars and restaurants and there's always a lot going on. Well, apparently, famous cities often lose because of crime, traffic and inadequate infrastructure. For example, Monocle said although Hong Kong is vibrant and exciting, " traffic congestion, air quality, housing and conservation all need attention."

世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World

And of course, not everyone agrees with the "best city” lists. Some criticize them for preferring quieter, more relaxed cities. They argue that many people actually want to live in more hectic bustling cities. In fact, one journalist interviewed people in Melbourne and discobered that lots of Melbourne residents want to live in Paris or New York. So The Economist has published another report. This new report gives more weight to things that big, famous cities do offer (such as lots of cuture and ethnic diversity). And guess where it decided the best place to live in? Hong Kong. And also in the top ten are Tokyo, Amsterdam, Berlin and Paris.

But what about tourists? Whats their favorite city? According to a recent survey by trave website TripAdvisor, tourists rated London as the best city to visit. One traveler commented online,"I love visiting London. There's just so much to do. You almost need a month to see it. The city is rich in history, nostalgia, beauty... and pubs. It has something for everyone. " So, what's your favorite city?

世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World

(From Overseas English )

New Words

世界最宜居城市是那幾座?你的看法呢?The Best City in the World

global adj. 全球(性)的

livability n. 宜居

survey n. 調查(表)

stability n. 穩定

infrastructure n. 基礎設施,基礎建設

vibrant /adj. 充滿生機的

eco-friendly adj. 對生态


release v. 釋放,釋出

annual adj. 每年的

connectivity n. connected 連接配接,連通性

abundance n. 豐富

fascinating adj. 迷人的,引人入勝的

congestion n. 擁堵

conservation n. 保護

hectic adj. 狂熱的 ,

bistling adj. 熙熙攘攘, 亂哄哄的

nostalgia n. 懷舊,鄉愁
