



^F --Scroll forward one screen.
^B --Scroll backward one screen.
^D --Scroll forward half screen (down).
^U --Scroll backward half screen (up).
^E --scroll the screen up one line 
^Y --scroll the screen down one line (^Y).

(In this list of commands, the ^ symbol represents the CTRL key. So ^F means to hold down the CTRL key and press the f key simultaneously.)
^L --Redrawing the Screen,When system messages appear on your screen, you need to redisplay, or redraw, the screen.

Movement Within a Screen
H --Move to home—the top line on screen.
M --Move to middle line on screen.
L --Move to last line on screen.
nH --Move to n lines below top line.
nL --Move to n lines above last line.

Movement by Line
ENTER  --Move to first character of next line.
+  --Move to first character of next line.
-  --Move to first character of previous line.
Home -- Move to first character of current line.
End -- Move to first character of current line. 

Movement on the current line
Don’t forget that h and l move the cursor to the left and right, and that 0 (zero) and $ move the cursor to the beginning or end of the line. You can also use:
^  --Move to first nonblank character of current line.
n|  --Move to column n of current line

z ENTER --Move current line to top of screen and scroll.
z. --Move current line to center of screen and scroll.
z-  -- Move current line to bottom of screen and scroll.

Movement by Text Blocks
You have already learned to move forward and backward by word (w, W, b or B).
e  --Move to end of word.
E  --Move to end of word (ignore punctuation).
(  --Move to beginning of current sentence.
)  --Move to beginning of next sentence.
{  --Move to beginning of current paragraph.
}  --Move to beginning of next paragraph.
[[  --Move to beginning of current section.(如果檔案隻有一節,就跳到檔案第一行)
]]  --Move to beginning of next section.(如果檔案隻有一節,就跳到檔案最後一行)

Movement by Searches
?searchContent  -- search backward,
/searchContent  -- search forward,
n  --Repeat search in same direction.(當使用/ 或者?後使用n可以依次跳轉到相應的查詢目标上面去)
N  --Repeat search in opposite direction.
/ ENTER  --Repeat search forward.equal to  /
? ENTER  --Repeat search backward.equal to ?
Sometimes you want to find a word only if it is further ahead; you don’t want the search to wrap around earlier in the file. vi has an option, wrapscan, that controls whether searches wrap. You can disable wrapping like this:
:set nowrapscan
When nowrapscan is set and a forward search fails, the status line displays the message:Address search hit BOTTOM without matching pattern
When nowrapscan is set and a backward search fails, the message displays “TOP”instead of “BOTTOM.”

Current Line Searches
fx  --Find (move cursor to) next occurrence of x in the line, where x stands for any
Fx  --Find (move cursor to) previous occurrence of x in the line.
tx  --Find (move cursor to) character before next occurrence of x in the line.
Tx  --Find (move cursor to) character after previous occurrence of x in the line.
;  --Repeat previous find command in same direction.
,  --Repeat previous find command in opposite direction.
dfx  --deletes up to and including the named character x. 
yfx  --yanks up to and including the named character x.

^G  --顯示目前行數,總行數,目前百分比;但是本人使用windows的vim和ubuntu1604的vim時候隻顯示了總行數和百分比

nGG  --move to number n
G  --move to the last number of the file
''  --兩個單引号,傳回到最後一次使用G的位置

Remember that you can combine numbers with movement. For example, 3) moves ahead three sentences. Also remember that you can edit using movement commands: d) deletes to the end of the current sentence, 2y} copies (yanks) two paragraphs ahead.

Review of vi Motion Commands
Table 3-1. Movement commands
Movement Command
Scroll forward one Screen  ^F
Scroll backward one screen    ^B
Scroll forward half screen    ^D
Scroll backward half screen    ^U
Scroll forward one line    ^E
Scroll backward one line    ^Y
Move current line to top of screen and scroll      z ENTER
Move current line to center of screen and scroll    z.
Move current line to bottom of screen and scroll zRedraw the screen    ^L
Move to home—the top line of screen   H
Move to middle line of screen     M
Move to bottom line of Screen     L
Move to first character of next line    ENTER
Move to first character of next line           +
Move to first character of previous line   -
Move to first nonblank character of current line   ^
Move to column n of current line   n|
Move to end of word   e
Move to end of word (ignore punctuation)   E
Move to beginning of current sentence   (
Move to beginning of next sentence    )
Move to beginning of current paragraph    {
Move to beginning of next paragraph    }
Move to beginning of current section    [[
Move to beginning of next section      ]]
Search forward for pattern    /pattern
Search backward for pattern    ?pattern
Repeat last search    n
Repeat last search in opposite direction    N
Repeat last search forward    /
Repeat last search backward    ?
Move to next occurrence of x in current line    fx
Move to previous occurrence of x in current line    Fx
Move to just before next occurrence of x in current line  tx
Move to just after previous occurrence of x in current line  Tx
Repeat previous find command in same direction    ;
Repeat previous find command in opposite direction    ,
Go to given line n    nG
Go to end of file    G
Return to previous mark or context    ``
Return to beginning of line containing previous mark    ''
Show current line (not a movement command)    ^G