




China has the confidence, ability and determination to cope with multiple challenges and maintain stable industrial growth this year, the country's top industry regulator said on Wednesday.工業和資訊化部1月18日表示,中國有信心有決心也有能力應對各種艱難挑戰,保持工業經濟平穩增長。

The comment comes after China's rebounding industrial production continued to play its "cornerstone" role in enhancing economic growth in 2022, with industrial output, a key economic indicator, rising 3.6 percent year-on-year last year.此前,工業經濟回穩向好,“壓艙石”作用進一步彰顯。工業産值是一項關鍵經濟名額,2022年全國規模以上工業增加值比上年增長3.6%。

Tian Yulong, chief engineer at the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at a news conference that hard work remains ahead to maintain stable industrial operations, especially in the current quarter.工業和資訊化部總工程師田玉龍在新聞釋出會上表示,保持一季度平穩運作還需要付出艱苦努力。

"But with the optimized COVID-19 containment measures and the combined effects of existing and new policies to support businesses, we have the confidence, determination and ability to cope with difficult challenges," Tian said.田玉龍稱:“我們相信随着優化調整疫情防控措施、存量政策和增量政策疊加發力,我們有信心有決心也有能力應對各種艱難挑戰。”

Last year, China's sprawling industrial economy played an effective role as a cornerstone and contributed to 36 percent of GDP growth. Notably, manufacturing investment increased by 9.1 percent year-on-year, showcasing better market expectations.工業“壓艙石”作用在2022年得到了有效發揮。工業對經濟增長的貢獻率達到36%。值得注意的是,制造業投資同比增長9.1%,好于市場預期。

High-tech manufacturing and equipment production output soared by 7.4 percent and 5.6 percent, respectively, which was 3.8 percentage points and 2 percentage points faster than overall industrial output growth.全年高技術制造業增加值同比增長7.4%,裝備制造業增加值增長5.6%,分别較全年規模以上工業增加值增長高出3.8%和2%。

"We insist on taking high-quality development as our primary task, focus on promoting structural adjustment, transformation and upgrading, and accelerate the development of high-end, intelligent and green manufacturing," Tian said.田玉龍稱:“我們堅持将高品質發展作為首要任務,着力推進結構調整和轉型更新,制造業高端化智能化綠色化發展步伐加快。”

He added that the ministry is studying the follow-up support policies for new energy vehicles, such as promoting the development of fuel-cell vehicles and launching pilot cities in promoting comprehensive electrification of vehicles in public areas.他表示,工信部正在進一步研究和明确新能源汽車後續的支援政策,推進燃料電池汽車示範,啟動公共領域車輛全面電動化先行區城市試點。

Last year, production volume and sales of new energy vehicles hit 7 million units and 6.9 million units, respectively, up 97 percent and 93 percent year-on-year, placing China tops worldwide for eight consecutive years, the ministry said.工信部資料顯示,2022年全年新能源汽車産銷分别完成了700萬輛和690萬輛,連續八年位居全球第一。

Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said January-February NEV sales may fall compared with the same period last year because of the withdrawal of subsidies that were first introduced in 2009.中國汽車工業協會副秘書長陳世華表示,由于取消新能源汽車國家補貼(2009年首次推出),今年1-2月新能源汽車銷量可能會同比下降。

But for the entire year, sales will maintain rapid growth, said Chen, as both the macroeconomy and consumer confidence continue to recover.但随着宏觀經濟和消費者信心的持續恢複,今年全年新能源汽車銷售額将保持快速增長。

The China Passenger Car Association expects sales of electric and plug-in hybrid passenger vehicles to hit 8.5 million units in China this year.乘用車市場資訊聯席會預計,今年新能源乘用車銷量将達到850萬輛。

Zhao Wei, chief analyst with Sinolink Securities, said despite all the challenges, industrial production beat expectations last year. And in 2023, the recovery of manufacturing investment will continue to be a driver of economic growth.國金證券首席分析師趙偉表示,盡管面臨種種挑戰,2022年工業經濟增長仍超出預期。2023年,制造業投資的複蘇将繼續為經濟增長提供動力。

Wei Qijia, head of industry economy research at the State Information Center, said manufacturing is important to China's economic growth. It is necessary to combine the expansion of domestic demand with the stabilization of external demand, so as to better overcome challenges.國家資訊中心預測部産業室主任魏琪嘉表示,制造業是大陸經濟增長的壓艙石。要将擴内需和穩外需相結合,以便更好地克服挑戰。

