

  • 登入到Rnacher Server 和Master Server 中,備份 SSL 
[~]$ ssh -p 1035$ sudo -s -H
~$ cp –r /etc/kubernetes/ssl  /home/ubuntu/ssl-prod-backup-mar-20
[~]$ ssh -p 1035
@ip-10-2-42-68:~$ sudo -s -H
@ip-10-2-42-68:~$ cp –r /etc/kubernetes/ssl  /home/ubuntu/ssl-prod-backup-mar-20
[~]$ ssh -p 1035
@ip-10-2-40-253:~$ sudo -s -H
@ip-10-2-40-253:~$ cp –r /etc/kubernetes/ssl  /home/ubuntu/ssl-prod-backup-mar-20
[~]$ ssh -p 1035 
@ip-10-2-41-49:~$ sudo -s -H
@ip-10-2-41-49:~$ cp –r /etc/kubernetes/ssl  /home/ubuntu/ssl-prod-backup-mar-20
[~]$ ssh -p 1035 
@ip-10-2-42-19:~$ sudo -s -H
@ip-10-2-42-19:~$ cp –r /etc/kubernetes/ssl  /home/ubuntu/ssl-prod-backup-mar-20
[~]$ ssh -p 1035
@ip-10-2-40-158:~$ sudo -s -H
@ip-10-2-40-158:~$ cp –r /etc/kubernetes/ssl  /home/ubuntu/ssl-prod-backup-mar-20      
  • 更新Rancher
    • 登入到Rancher Trigger Server,下載下傳rke 1.0.9 版本
      [~]$ ssh -p 1035
      @ip-10-2-33-92:~$ sudo -s -H
      @ip-10-2-33-92:~$ wget https://github.com/rancher/rke/releases/download/v1.0.4/rke_linux-amd64
      @ip-10-2-33-92:~$ chmod +x rke_linux-amd64
      @ip-10-2-33-92:~$ mv rke_linux-amd64 rke_linux-amd64-1.0.4      
    • Rotate the rancher server certificates
      @ip-10-2-33-92:~$ ./rke_linux-amd64-1.0.4 cert rotate --config rancher-cluster.yml      
    • Once the rotation is successful check if the rancher certificates are updated using openssl command in one of the rancher server.
      @ip-10-2-41-197:~$ openssl x509 -text -n kube-apiserver-requestheader-ca.pem | grep -A 2 Validity
      @ip-10-2-41-197:~$ curl https://localhost:6443 -v -k 
      @ip-10-2-42-68:~$ openssl x509 -text -n kube-apiserver-requestheader-ca.pem | grep -A 2 Validity
      @ip-10-2-42-68:~$ curl https://localhost:6443 -v -k 
      @ip-10-2-40-253:~$ openssl x509 -text -n kube-apiserver-requestheader-ca.pem | grep -A 2 Validity
      @ip-10-2-40-253:~$ curl https://localhost:6443 -v -k       
    • Upgrade rancher to 2.2.8. using the below command
      @ip-10-2-33-92:~$ helm upgrade rancher rancher-stable/rancher  --version 2.2.8 --namespace cattle-system --set hostname=rancher.xx.com      
    • Go to rancher UI and check if the version is updated to 2.2.8 on the bottom of the UI as shown below. 
    •  Once the rotation is successful and the cluster turns active check all the servers and validate the applications.