
How to find location of MySQL configuration file

(文檔 ID 1466761.1)

1. Make sure that mysqld process is started without explicit --defaults-file or --defaults-extra-file parameters.  Following commands will display actual arguments mysqld is started with:


ps aux |grep mysqld


/usr/ucb/ps -alxwww |grep mysqld

Windows: Command line arguments are observed in Task Manager when column 'Command line' is enabled. (View->'Select Columns' menu option).

2. Following command will show locations where mysqld process reads configuration files:

Please note that if your MySQL server startup command uses any of options   --datadir or --basedir  explicitly, you should append them to the list of parameters in the command below to see locations of configuration files.

Unix-like systems:

mysqld --help --verbose 2>1 |grep "/my.cnf"


mysqld --help --verbose --console 2>1 | findstr "my.ini"

3. If command above brings no output, it may be needed specify full path to mysqld binary (found in step 1.).

4. If still no success, you may capture output of following command into text file:

mysqld --help --verbose

Then look for locations after following message: "Default options are read from the following files in the given order:"
