


Recently, the UK’s National Cyber Security Center paired up with Have I Been Pwned?’s Troy Hunt to conduct a survey that analyzed passwords of accounts that had been breached. Turns out that most users (still) suck at using strong passwords.

最近,英國的國家網絡安全中心與“我曾經被打過手機嗎?”的特洛伊·亨特(Troy Hunt)一起進行了一項調查,該調查分析了遭到破壞的帳戶的密碼。 事實證明,大多數使用者(仍然)很讨厭使用強密碼。

The top passwords found in the study? “123456,” followed by “123456789.” Other brilliant things, like “qwerty,” “password,” and “111111” rounded out the top five spots, with “123345678,” “abc123,” and “password1” all finding spots in the top 10. People’s names, band names, and sports teams were also among the most used (and most breached) passwords. Fantastic.

研究中找到的最高密碼? “ 123456”,然後是“ 123456789”。 其他出色的事物,例如“ qwerty”,“ password”和“ 111111”排在前5位,其中“ 123345678”,“ abc123”和“ password1”都在前10位中找到位置。人們的姓名,樂隊名稱,而運動隊也是最常用(也是最容易洩露)的密碼之一。 太棒了

It’s no wonder we hear about new data breaches almost weekly these days—passwords like these do about as much to protect your data as not using one at all. If you find yourself using anything similar to these passwords—or even reusing the same passwords on multiple sites—it’s time to re-think your password strategy.

難怪我們近幾天幾乎每周都會聽到新的資料洩露事件—像這樣的密碼在保護您的資料方面所起的作用與根本不使用它們一樣。 如果您發現自己使用了類似于這些密碼的任何東西,甚至在多個站點上重複使用了相同的密碼,那麼該是重新考慮密碼政策的時候了。

The good news is that we have your back. Choosing a strong password is actually easy; as is remembering those passwords. How? By using a password manager. It may seem a bit daunting to get started, but we can help with that too.

好消息是我們有你的支援 。 選擇一個強密碼實際上很容易。 就像記住那些密碼一樣。 怎麼樣? 通過使用密碼管理器。 入門似乎有些艱巨,但我們也可以提供幫助 。

As an aside, if you’re curious about any of the passwords you currently use, you can cross-reference them with the Have I Been Pwned?’s database—and don’t worry, it’s completely safe. So check your passwords, change the ones that have been part of a breach (or are just generally weak), and get yourself a good password manager to help with it all—lest you find yourself on the wrong end of one of these lists.

順便說一句 ,如果您對目前使用的任何密碼感到好奇,可以将它們與“ 是否擁有我?”的資料庫進行交叉引用-不用擔心, 它是完全安全的 。 是以,請檢查您的密碼,更改曾經是違反漏洞的密碼(或者通常是很弱的密碼),并讓自己成為一個好的密碼管理器來幫助您完成所有這些操作-除非您發現自己在這些清單之一的錯誤一端。

In other news, Apple may be bringing some of iOS’ best features to macOS, Netflix is testing its own version of the I’m feeling lucky” button, Google Assistant is coming to third-party accessories, and a lot more.

在其他消息中,蘋果可能正在将iOS的一些最佳功能引入macOS,Netflix正在測試自己版本的“我很幸運”按鈕,Google Assistant正在使用第三方配件,等等。

  • More iOS features may be coming to macOS: The word on the street is that macOS may be getting Screen Time, Siri Shortcuts, and more in macOS 10.5. The convergence grows. [The Verge]

    更多的iOS功能可能會出現在macOS上:大街上說的是macOS 10.5中可能會獲得Screen Time,Siri快捷方式等功能。 融合不斷增長。 [ 邊緣 ]

  • Netflix gets random: Hidden deep inside the Netflix Android app is a new “random” button that picks the next episode you watch for you, making TV-watching even more mindless than it already is. Yay? [Android Police]

    Netflix變得随機:隐藏在Netflix Android應用程式深處的是一個新的“随機”按鈕,該按鈕可以選擇您要看的下一集,進而使電視觀看比以往更加容易。 好極了? [ Android警察 ]

  • Google Assistant is coming to accessories: You can already launch Assistant on phones, tablets, Chromebooks, and smart speakers, but it looks like hardware accessories will soon be able to invoke the digital assistant. Keyboards, mice, styluses, and the like will all be prime candidates for the Assistant button. I’m in. [Chrome Unboxed]

    Google Assistant即将推出配件:您已經可以在手機,平闆電腦,Chromebook和智能揚聲器上啟動Assistant,但是硬體配件似乎很快将能夠調用數字助手。 鍵盤,滑鼠,手寫筆等都是“助手”按鈕的主要候選對象。 我在。[ Chrome未裝箱 ]

  • Samsung folds: It looks like the company is rethinking this Galaxy Fold thing for the time being—it canceled launch events in China that were set for this week. [Reuters]

    三星折疊:看來該公司暫時正在重新考慮這件事-它取消了本周在中國舉行的釋出會。 [ 路透社 ]

  • JC Penny drops Apple Pay: In a surprising move, retailer JC Penny has removed support for Apple Pay from its stores and app with absolutely no explanation why. It just sort of…disappeared. [9to5Mac]

    JC Penny放棄Apple Pay:出人意料的是,零售商JC Penny從商店和應用程式中删除了對Apple Pay的支援,但沒有任何解釋。 隻是……消失了。 [ 9to5Mac ]

  • App betrayal: A recent study by the American Medical Association found that apps designed to help users quit smoking or cope with depression are also sharing their findings with Google and Facebook. 29 of the top 36 apps are sharing data, and only 12 of them disclose it in their privacy policy. Sickening. [JAMA Network]

    應用程式背叛:美國醫學協會(American Medical Association)的一項最新研究發現,旨在幫助使用者戒煙或應對抑郁的應用程式也在與Google和Facebook分享。 前36個應用程式中有29個正在共享資料,其中隻有12個在其隐私權政策中披露了這些資料。 令人惡心。 [ JAMA網絡 ]

  • Austria wants to know who you really are: A new draft law in Austria would require users to give their real name and address before commenting on large public sites. Whoa. [Engadget]

    奧地利想知道您的真實身份:奧地利的一項新法律草案要求使用者在大型公共網站上發表評論之前先提供真實姓名和位址。 哇 [ Engadget ]

  • SuperTuxKart goes online: In more fun news, open source racing game SuperTuxKart hit a huge milestone this weekend: after 12 years in development, version 1.0 was released. And it includes online play! [Liliputing]

    SuperTuxKart上線:在更多有趣的消息中,開源賽車遊戲SuperTuxKart在本周末創下了一個巨大的裡程碑:經過12年的開發,釋出了1.0版。 它包括線上播放! [ Liliputing ]

  • God of War was almost totally different: If you’ve played the newest God of War game, then you know there’s an absolutely iconic moment around the midway point that changes the entire feel of the game. I don’t want to give any spoilers to anyone who hasn’t played, but that moment almost didn’t happen. [Gamespot]

    《戰神》幾乎完全不同:如果您玩過最新的《戰神》遊戲,那麼您就會知道,在中點周圍絕對會有一個标志性時刻改變了整個遊戲的感覺。 我不想給沒有玩過的人一個破壞者,但是那一刻幾乎沒有發生。 [ 遊戲機 ]

In more fun news, over the weekend Android Police published a hilarious look at 13 times Google Assistant completely failed to provide the right information or context. As useful as digital assistants are, it’s a good (and fun) reminder that there’s still a long way to go before we have to worry about AI taking over the world.

在更有趣的新聞中,上周末,Android Police釋出了一篇有趣的報道,其中13次Google Assistant完全未能提供正确的資訊或上下文 。 與數字助理一樣有用,這很好(也很有趣)提醒我們,要擔心AI接管世界,還有很長的路要走。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/daily-news-roundup-your-passwords-are-probably-trash/