
SQL Server over()

--開窗函數over()不需要使用group by 就可以對資料進行分組。還可以同時傳回基礎行的所有列和聚合列。

--over 函數 配合聚合函數(max、min、sum、avg、count等)或row_number等函數,可以在不改變原顯示資料的情況下,


--group by 子句隻能同聚合函數(max、min、sum、avg、count),對相關列進行分組,隻能展示出分組列和聚合列的資料。

--1、partition by 用于将結果集進行分組,開窗函數應用于每一組。

--2、order by 用于排序。


--4、rank()也為每一組的行生成一個序号,但不同于row_number(),如果按照order by 排序,如果有相同的值會生成相同的序号。






--注意:聚合函數不能與ORDER BY 一同使用。


create table Student(

    Sid int primary key identity(1,1) not null,

    StudentName varchar(50) not null,

    Age int null,

    Sex varchar(2) check(sex='male' or sex='remale'),

    Birthday datetime 


create table ProjectTb(

    Pid int primary key identity(1,1) not null,

    ProjectName varchar(20) not null,

    orderNum int 


create table Score(

    ScoreID int primary key identity(1,1) not null,

    Sid int foreign key references Student(Sid) not null,

    Pid int foreign key references ProjectTb(Pid) not null,

    Score int


--insert into dbo.Student(StudentName,Age,Sex,Birthday)


--insert into dbo.ProjectTb(ProjectName,orderNum) values('Math',1),('English',2),('Chinese',3)

--insert into dbo.Score(Sid,Pid,Score)



--(1)使用group by 

select s.StudentName,avg(sco.Score) as avg_score

from dbo.Score sco left join dbo.Student s

on sco.Sid=s.Sid

group by sco.Sid,s.StudentName


with ScoreInfo as(

    select *,avg(Score) over(partition by Sid) avg_score from dbo.Score


select distinct(sco.avg_score),s.StudentName

from ScoreInfo sco left join dbo.Student s

on sco.Sid=s.Sid

--此情形下,比較使用group by、over()。使用group by的話,想要select的列都必須受限于group by 。



--(1)使用group by 

select p.ProjectName,avg(s.Score) as avg_score

from dbo.Score s left join dbo.ProjectTb p

on s.Pid=p.Pid

group by s.Pid,p.ProjectName


with ScoreInfo as(

    select *,avg(Score) over(partition by Pid) avg_score from dbo.Score


select distinct(sco.avg_score),p.ProjectName

from ScoreInfo sco left join dbo.ProjectTb p

on sco.Pid=p.Pid


with ScoreInfo as (

select max(Score) over(partition by Sid) as max_score,ScoreID,Sid,Pid,Score

from dbo.Score


select s.StudentName,p.ProjectName,sco.Score

from ScoreInfo sco 

left join dbo.Student s

on sco.Sid=s.Sid

left join dbo.ProjectTb p

on sco.Pid=p.Pid

where sco.Score=sco.max_score

order by sco.Score desc


with ScoreInfo as(

    select max(Score) over(partition by Pid) as max_score,*

    from dbo.Score


select p.ProjectName,s.StudentName,sco.Score

from ScoreInfo sco 

left join dbo.Student s

on sco.Sid=s.Sid

left join dbo.ProjectTb p

on sco.Pid=p.Pid

where sco.Score=sco.max_score

order by sco.Score desc


with ScoreInfo as(

    select *,row_number() over(partition by Sid order by Score desc) number from dbo.Score


select s.StudentName,p.ProjectName,sco.Score,sco.number

from ScoreInfo sco left join dbo.Student s

on sco.Sid=s.Sid

left join dbo.ProjectTb p

on sco.Pid=p.Pid


with ScoreInfo as(

    select *,row_number() over(partition by Pid order by Score desc) number from dbo.Score


select p.ProjectName,s.StudentName,sco.Score,sco.number

from ScoreInfo sco left join dbo.ProjectTb p

on sco.Pid=p.Pid

left join dbo.Student s

on sco.Sid=s.Sid


with ScoreInfo as(

    select *,rank() over(partition by Pid order by Score desc) number from dbo.Score


select p.ProjectName,s.StudentName,sco.Score,sco.number

from ScoreInfo sco left join dbo.ProjectTb p

on sco.Pid=p.Pid

left join dbo.Student s

on sco.Sid=s.Sid



with ScoreInfo as(

    select *,dense_rank() over(partition by Pid order by Score desc) number from dbo.Score


select p.ProjectName,s.StudentName,sco.Score,sco.number

from ScoreInfo sco left join dbo.ProjectTb p

on sco.Pid=p.Pid

left join dbo.Student s

on sco.Sid=s.Sid



with ScoreInfo as(

    select *,NTILE(3) over(order by Sid) rn from dbo.Score


select * from ScoreInfo


with ScoreInfo as(

    select *,NTILE(3) over(order by Sid) rn from dbo.Score


select sum(Score) from ScoreInfo

group by rn


with ScoreInfo as(

    select *,sum(Score) over(partition by Sid) score_sum

    from dbo.Score


select distinct(sco.score_sum),s.StudentName

from ScoreInfo sco left join dbo.Student s

on sco.Sid=s.Sid

--總提示“'ROWS' 附近有文法錯誤。”。

select *,


--sum(Score) over(partition by Sid order by Pid) row1,

--sum(Score) over(partition by Sid order by Pid rows between unbounded preceding and current row) row2

from dbo.Score


with ScoreInfo as(

    select *,sum(Score) over(partition by Pid) score_sum

    from dbo.Score


select distinct(sco.score_sum),p.ProjectName

from ScoreInfo sco left join dbo.ProjectTb p

on sco.Pid=p.Pid
