
jackson json 嵌套對象_Jackson-将嵌套的json對象存儲為JSONObject

jackson json 嵌套對象_Jackson-将嵌套的json對象存儲為JSONObject

I am deserializing a json object, which contains a nested json object.


"id:" 1,

"name:" "test",

"settings": {

"color": "#ff0000"



Here is my Car class:

public class Car {

private long id;

private String name;

private JSONObject settings;

// id getter/setter...

// name gett/setter...

public void setSettings(JSONObject settings) {

this.settings = settings;


public JSONObject getSettings() {

return settings;



I would like to keep settings as a JSONObject and parse it later as I need it. I am also wanting to avoid creating a Settings class (because of how I'm caching my models with Sugar ORM). When I try to deserialize this with Jackson, settings is always returning "{}". How can I do this with Jackson?


Here is the code that parses Car:

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

objectMapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false);

Car car = objectMapper.readValue(jsonObject.toString(), Car.class);

Car may be a nested object inside of something else, so this won't always be called. If I could always call this, this I would already have access to the json object and could just set the Settings object to the Car manually here.


Changing JSONObject to JsonObject seemed to have fixed the problem.