
位址已在使用 linux,Java Linux:java.net.BindException:位址已在使用中

I am using Linux Mint 14 KDE. I've successfully created Java tcp server and client, server IP:port is and my client IP:port When i connect my client for the first time everything is OK. The client connects and sends some data and disconnects. When i try connecting the client with the server right after disconnecting i get the next Exception.

我正在使用Linux Mint 14 KDE。我已經成功創建了Java tcp服務器和客戶端,服務器IP:端口是10.10.1.10:9900,我的客戶端IP:端口10.10.1.10:9901。當我第一次連接我的客戶端時一切正常。客戶端連接並發送一些數據並斷開連接。當我嘗試在斷開連接後立即將客戶端與服務器連接時,我得到下一個異常。

java.net.BindException: Address already in use

If i wait more than 1 minute everything is OK. On other forums i read that after closing the socket there is a tcp time_wait that is 60 seconds (1 minute). After changing it to 0 everything worked (If someone want to change it just add this line net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=0 in /etc/sysctl.conf and execute this line in your terminal as root service networking restart). The next day i tried to do one more test and i got the same exception. I checked if the time is still 0 (U can check it with writing this in command line cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout as root) and it was 0. I still had to wait 1 minute before reconnecting the client.

如果我等待超過1分鍾,一切都會好的。在其他論壇上,我讀到關閉套接字後,有一個60秒(1分鍾)的tcp time_wait。將其更改為0後,一切正常(如果有人想要更改它,隻需在/etc/sysctl.conf中添加此行net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 0並在終端中執行此行作為root service networking restart)。第二天,我試圖再做一次測試,我得到了同樣的例外。我檢查時間是否仍為0(你可以在指令行cat / proc / sys / net / ipv4 / tcp_fin_timeout中以root身份寫這個來檢查它)它是0.我仍然需要等待1分鍾再重新連接客戶端。

Can someone help me how to configure that way so i don't get this exception. Waiting 1 minute is too much for real-time application. I know i can do this with letting the OS dynamically assign port number that is free, but that is not what my application needs are.


2 個解決方案



After creating your client socket, but before binding it or connecting to the remote server, you should call Socket.setReuseAddress(true) to enable reusing the client port.



Don't specify a fixed client port, use zero. That way you will get a fresh one every time, or until you run out, which means you should be doing connection pooling at the client.
