
開發人員哪些錯誤不能犯_作為開發人員應避免的3個錯誤 分心太多 (Too Many Distractions) 努力工作 (Working Too Hard) 有一個固定的心态 (Having a Fixed Mindset)


Being a software developer can be hard. What’s even harder is being a software developer for years, staying relevant in the industry, and avoiding burnout.

作為軟體開發人員可能很難。 更困難的是成為軟體開發人員多年,保持與行業的相關性,并避免職業倦怠。

It’s not only tricky, but we’re actively making it more grueling than it needs to be. It’s time to stop sabotaging our efforts and get rid of the deadliest habits preventing us from being great in the long run.

這不僅棘手,而且我們正在積極地使其變得比所需的更加艱巨。 現在是時候停止破壞我們的努力,擺脫最緻命的習慣,從長遠來看,這些習慣阻止了我們的成就。

分心太多 (Too Many Distractions)

You walk into the office, turn on your computer, and want to start coding. Your editor is already open when you suddenly recall you don’t have a coffee. So you go to the kitchen and wait for the coffee machine to do its duty.

您走進辦公室,打開計算機,然後開始編碼。 當您突然想起自己沒有喝咖啡時,編輯器已經打開。 是以,您去廚房等待咖啡機完成工作。

On your way back, your colleague asks you about yesterday’s game. You chat for five minutes, and now you’re ready to fix the painful bug you discovered. A few minutes into the task, the phone rings. Oh, no… it’s your boss. They want to talk with you.

在回程中,您的同僚向您詢問昨天的比賽。 您聊天了五分鐘,現在您可以修複所發現的痛苦的錯誤。 完成任務幾分鐘後,電話響了。 哦,不……是你的老闆。 他們想和你談談。

Half an hour later, you get back to your desk, mildly irritated. It’s time to take a look at Reddit to decompress a bit. A moment later, you’re coding again, but there’s a Slack notification — one of the junior developers needs your help. You sigh and point them in the right direction.

半小時後,您回到辦公桌前,感到有些不适。 現在該看看Reddit進行一些解壓縮了。 片刻之後,您再次進行編碼,但是有一個Slack通知-初級開發人員之一需要您的幫助。 您感歎并指出正确的方向。

When you’re back, you find out you haven’t opened your email yet. You have to respond to a few messages. There are also a bunch of social media notifications. Ten minutes later, you wonder why you’re still scrolling Facebook.

當您回來時,發現您尚未打開電子郵件。 您必須回複一些消息。 還有很多社交媒體通知。 十分鐘後,您想知道為什麼仍在滾動Facebook。

It’s almost lunchtime, and you’ve got two meetings in the afternoon. You haven’t focused on coding for more than five minutes straight, and now you’re sure you won’t do anything of value today.

快到午餐時間了,下午有兩次會議。 您連續五分鐘都沒有專注于編碼,現在您确定自己今天不會做任何有價值的事情。

Are you familiar with this scenario? We live in a world that conspires against our productivity. Social media, colleagues, bosses, and clients all fight for our attention and try to draw us away from the work we love.

您是否熟悉這種情況? 我們生活在一個不利于生産力的世界中。 社交媒體,同僚,老闆和客戶都在争取我們的注意力,并試圖使我們遠離我們熱愛的工作。

By wasting time, you don’t grow as a software developer and make yourself unhappy at the same time. To stay productive, we have to protect our time from other people and ourselves.

通過浪費時間,您不會成長為軟體開發人員,并同時使自己不快樂。 為了保持生産力,我們必須保護自己的時間不受他人和自己的影響。

如何讓别人尊重你的時間 (How to make others respect your time)

Let the people you work with know when you’re ready to meet with them or help them and when they should leave you alone. Try to create at least two two-hour blocks of uninterrupted work a day.

讓您與之共事的人知道您何時準備與他們見面或幫助他們,以及何時他們應該讓您獨自一人。 嘗試每天至少建立兩個兩個小時的不間斷工作塊。

Tell everyone you won’t be taking calls, checking email, or using the chat in your focused work time. Don’t forget to wear headphones — even if you don’t listen to anything — just to remind others that you’re not available. Focused time blocks are for your work only.

告訴所有人您在重點工作時間内不會接聽電話,查收電子郵件或使用聊天。 即使您什麼都不聽,也不要忘記戴耳機,隻是要提醒其他人您沒有空。 重點突出的時間段僅适用于您的工作。

You’ll probably encounter some resistance from other people, but your results will improve. And if you are honest and empathetic with your coworkers, they’ll soon get used to it. Also, make sure you’re helpful and available for the rest of the workday. You don’t want your team to lose your expertise.

您可能會遇到其他人的抵制,但是您的結果會有所改善。 而且,如果您對同僚誠實且富有同情心,他們很快就會習慣的。 另外,請確定您在整個工作日中都樂于助人并樂于助人。 您不希望您的團隊失去專業知識。

如何停止浪費時間 (How to stop wasting time)

So you’ve managed to get some focused time and do the real work. That’s great. Now you have to win the battle with yourself: how to focus on crucial tasks — not social media, emails, or anything else that draws your attention.

是以,您已經設法花了一些時間進行實際工作。 那很棒。 現在,您必須自己赢得戰鬥:如何專注于關鍵任務-而不是社交媒體,電子郵件或其他引起您注意的任務。

Disable all your social media. Log out from everything you can, close chat apps, and mute your phone. You don’t want any notifications or other sounds distracting you. Leave your phone in a different room if possible. You should work in silence or with the music of your choice. If you decide to listen to music, choose something that helps you focus — not necessarily your favorite band.

禁用所有社交媒體。 盡一切可能登出,關閉聊天應用程式,并使手機靜音。 您不希望任何通知或其他聲音分散您的注意力。 盡可能将手機放在其他房間。 您應該在安靜的環境中工作或選擇自己喜歡的音樂。 如果您決定聽音樂,請選擇可以幫助您集中注意力的東西-不一定是您最喜歡的樂隊。

Start working with the Pomodoro technique. I’m sure you’ve already heard about it and disregarded it. That’s a mistake. Breaking up your work into intervals followed by short breaks can do wonders, so set your working interval for anything between 25 and 90 minutes. Make your breaks roughly 1/5 of the interval length. Stick to the regime. The results will surprise you.

開始使用番茄美食技術。 我相信您已經聽說過它,無視了它。 那是一個錯誤。 将您的工作分成幾個間隔,然後短暫休息可以創造奇迹,是以将工作間隔設定為25到90分鐘之間。 使您的休息大約間隔時間的1/5。 堅持政權。 結果會讓您感到驚訝。

Consider using your editor’s Zen mode. It is available in many modern IDEs and helps you focus by going full screen and hiding all unnecessary UI except the editor. Less clutter on your screen should help you work solely on the task at hand.

考慮使用編輯器的Zen模式。 它在許多現代IDE中都可用,可以通過全屏顯示并隐藏除編輯器之外的所有不必要的UI來幫助您集中精力。 螢幕上的雜物少,應該可以幫助您僅完成手頭的任務。

Remember to stick to the most critical or complex tasks. You can do everything else during other parts of the day, but now it’s time to tackle real problems.

記住要堅持最關鍵或最複雜的任務。 您可以在一天的其他時間做其他事情,但是現在該解決實際問題了。

開發人員哪些錯誤不能犯_作為開發人員應避免的3個錯誤 分心太多 (Too Many Distractions) 努力工作 (Working Too Hard) 有一個固定的心态 (Having a Fixed Mindset)

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash. Luis Villasmil在 Unsplash上的 照片 。

努力工作 (Working Too Hard)

Your workday is eight hours long (hopefully). The commute takes another hour or two. You’re a bit late with the latest project, so you make up time at home — just an hour or two. But you’re working with outdated technology, so you also learn a bit on the weekends. Realistically, your workweek is over 50 hours long. That’s a lot, and it’s typical for software developers.

您的工作日長達八小時(希望如此)。 通勤還需要一兩個小時。 您最近的項目有點晚,是以您可以在家中補足時間-一兩個小時。 但是您正在使用過時的技術,是以您在周末也會學到一些東西。 實際上,您的工作周超過50個小時。 這很多,對于軟體開發人員來說很典型。

It’s even harder if you work for a company with a crunch culture. Sometimes, you need to work a bit more to finish the project. That’s understandable. But if crunching countless hours becomes a standard for every project or even each week, there’s something wrong with your company.

如果您在一家文化脆弱的公司工作,就更加困難。 有時,您需要做更多的工作才能完成項目。 這是可以了解的。 但是,如果對每個項目甚至每個星期來說,無休止的工作時間成為标準,那麼您的公司就有問題了。

Overworking impacts all aspects of life. When you’re working too hard, your stress skyrockets, your social life suffers, and your energy levels plummet. You may have trouble sleeping, feel distracted, and have unexpected mood changes. You’re likely to gain or lose weight and have other medical problems due to weakening your immune system. What’s more, working too hard makes your work less efficient, so you’re undermining the initial goal of doing better work.

過度勞累會影響生活的方方面面。 當您工作太努力時,您的壓力猛增,您的社交生活受到損害,并且您的精力充沛。 您可能會難以入睡,分心,并且會出現意想不到的情緒變化。 由于免疫力下降,您可能會體重增加或減輕,并有其他醫療問題。 更重要的是,拼搏工作會使您的工作效率降低,是以您正在破壞進行更好工作的最初目标。

In short, you have to avoid overworking. How?

簡而言之,您必須避免過度工作。 怎麼樣?

You need to set boundaries, both for yourself and others. Set a weekly work limit. It can be 40 or 50 hours or anything acceptable to you. Let your coworkers and bosses know it’s also a rule set for their benefit — you cannot be productive if you’re working any more than the limit.

您需要為自己和他人設定界限。 設定每周工作限制。 它可以是40或50小時,也可以是您接受的任何時間。 讓您的同僚和老闆知道這也是為他們謀取利益的一套規則-如果您的工作超出極限,您将無能為力。

Learn to say no to tasks if you’re overworked. Part of your boss’s job is dividing work effectively. If you’re always eager to take on new responsibilities, your boss may not know your schedule is packed. So communicate your workload politely and earnestly. If your boss repeatedly fails to respect that, remember that quitting is always an option. Don’t stay in a hostile environment longer than necessary.

如果您勞累過度,請學會對任務說不。 老闆的部分工作是有效地分工。 如果您總是渴望承擔新的責任,您的老闆可能不知道您的日程安排很緊。 是以,要禮貌而認真地交流您的工作量。 如果您的老闆屢次不尊重對方,請記住,辭職始終是一種選擇。 不要在敵對環境中呆超過必要的時間。

Take care of your spare time. We often unwind by watching a TV series or playing games. If that’s something relaxing for you, it’s OK. But experiment with other forms of leisure. Try taking a walk, going to the gym, or gardening. Any activity is likely to be more useful in blowing off work steam than lying on the couch. Additionally, by engaging in sports, you may counteract some adverse overworking effects.

照顧您的業餘時間。 我們經常通過看電視連續劇或玩遊戲來放松身心。 如果這對您來說很輕松,那就可以了。 但是嘗試其他形式的休閑活動。 嘗試散步,去健身房或園藝。 任何活動都比躺在沙發上散發工作蒸汽更有用。 此外,通過參加運動,您可以抵消一些過度勞累的影響。

Create a strict schedule for your learning. Don’t try to cram many hours into one day. That’s tiring and ineffective. It’s better to learn for half an hour or an hour a day than six hours once a week. Avoid learning too many things at the same time and pick learning topics thoughtfully. It’s better to focus on going deep than scratching many surfaces. If you’re interested, I’ve written a whole article on learning programming the smart way.

為您的學習制定嚴格的時間表。 不要試圖将很多小時塞進一天。 這很累,而且效果不佳。 每天學習半小時或一個小時要比每周學習六小時更好。 避免同時學習太多東西,而要深思熟慮地選擇學習主題。 專注于深入研究比刮擦許多表面更好。 如果您有興趣,我寫了整篇文章,介紹如何以智能方式學習程式設計。

開發人員哪些錯誤不能犯_作為開發人員應避免的3個錯誤 分心太多 (Too Many Distractions) 努力工作 (Working Too Hard) 有一個固定的心态 (Having a Fixed Mindset)

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash. Markus Spiske在 Unsplash上的 照片 。

有一個固定的心态 (Having a Fixed Mindset)

Have you seen that 22-year-old wunderkind two desks away? He’s a full-stack developer, knows everything about servers, and is beginning DevOps work. How about Sarah from the second floor? Database expert and cloud computing star. She’ll probably become CTO in a year or two. They are like superhumans. They don’t seem to work hard and they already know everything.

您是否看到過兩個桌子旁有22歲的神童? 他是一名全棧開發人員,對伺服器一無所知,并且正在開始DevOps的工作。 薩拉在二樓怎麼樣? 資料庫專家和雲計算明星。 她可能在一兩年内成為首席技術官。 他們就像超人。 他們似乎并沒有努力工作,他們已經知道了一切。

And you? You feel you’re struggling to stay afloat. The industry is constantly changing, you’re tired, and you won’t learn anything useful ever again. Who knows? Maybe they’ll even fire you.

你呢? 您覺得自己正在努力維持生計。 行業不斷變化,您很累,您将再也不會學到任何有用的東西。 誰知道? 也許他們會解雇你。

Similar thoughts haunt me all too often. I feel inadequate, surrounded by superior programmers, and unable to move on. I discovered these thoughts emerge from something Carol Dweck, an American psychologist, called a fixed mindset.

類似的想法經常困擾我。 我感到不足夠,被進階程式員包圍着,無法繼續前進。 我發現這些想法源于美國心理學家Carol Dweck所說的固定心态。

A fixed mindset is a belief that your qualities are unchangeable — you are intelligent, hard-working, focused to a certain degree, and that’s it. If some people are better in those areas, tough luck. It’s just the way it is.

固定的心态是一種信念,即您的素質是不可改變的-您很聰明,勤奮,專注于一定程度,僅此而已。 如果某些人在這些方面比較好,那麼運氣不好。 就是這樣。

A fixed mindset is a fatal flaw for a programmer, as we need to learn and adapt all the time. If we fall into the trap of believing we’re not good enough, it will result in staying even further behind. We have to think we can get better and learn new things. Otherwise, we may as well look for another job.

固定的心态對于程式員是緻命的缺陷,因為我們需要一直學習和适應。 如果我們陷入認為自己不夠出色的陷阱,那将導緻落後于其他人。 我們必須認為我們可以變得更好并學習新事物。 否則,我們不妨找另一份工作。

Changing from the fixed mindset to the growth mindset — the belief that you can change and grow through your efforts — works wonders. No matter where you are right now, you can be better. And if you’re working hard and smart enough, you will become better.

從固定的思維方式轉變為成長的思維方式(相信您可以通過自己的努力進行改變和成長),這會産生奇迹。 無論您現在在哪裡,都可以變得更好。 而且,如果您足夠努力和聰明地工作,您會變得更好。

Maybe others are more skilled now, but things don’t need to stay that way. You’re capable of growing and learning. Don’t forget that.

也許其他人現在更加熟練,但是事情并不需要那麼做。 您有成長和學習的能力。 别忘了

翻譯自: https://medium.com/better-programming/3-mistakes-to-avoid-as-a-developer-3e07d7b01150
