
linux 截屏_如何在Linux上截圖

linux 截屏_如何在Linux上截圖

linux 截屏

linux 截屏_如何在Linux上截圖

Linux is a powerful and diverse operating system, so naturally the screenshot tools for the platform are just as powerful and diverse. The wide variety of these screeenshot tools range from simple and easy-to-use to powerful command-line tools that offer the ability to script and automate the process.

Linux是功能強大且多樣化的作業系統,是以該平台的螢幕截圖工具自然也同樣功能強大且多樣化。 這些screeenshot工具種類繁多,從簡單易用到功能強大的指令行工具,都提供了編寫腳本和自動執行流程的功能。

方法一:使用Ubuntu的簡單預設工具GNOME螢幕截圖 (Method One: Use GNOME Screenshot, Ubuntu’s Simple Default Tool)

Ubuntu, like many GTK-based Linux distributions, comes with GNOME Screenshot as the default screen capture tool because it’s one the simplest and most straightforward screenshot tools available on Linux. GNOME Screenshot has the ability to take screenshots of your whole screen, specific windows and a manually selected rectangular regions. If you need additional time during capture you can add a delay to the full screen and window screenshots.

與許多基于GTK的Linux發行版一樣,Ubuntu附帶GNOME螢幕截圖作為預設的螢幕捕獲工具,因為它是Linux上最簡單,最直接的螢幕截圖工具之一。 GNOME螢幕截圖可以捕獲整個螢幕,特定視窗和手動選擇的矩形區域的螢幕截圖。 如果在捕獲過程中需要更多時間,則可以在全屏和視窗螢幕截圖中添加延遲。

GNOME Screenshot supports a few effects such as including the mouse cursor (pointer), adding a drop shadow, a border, or even a Vintage effect. The tool’s simplicity is a limitation with these effects though as most of them are only available when taking a screenshot of the current window. The manually selected region mode, for example, is unable to utilize any of the effects.

GNOME螢幕快照支援一些效果,例如包括滑鼠光标(指針),添加陰影,邊框甚至是Vintage效果。 該工具的簡單性是這些效果的局限性,盡管大多數效果僅在擷取目前視窗的螢幕快照時可用。 例如,手動選擇的區域模式無法利用任何效果。

How to Use It: If you don’t already have it, install GNOME Screenshot using your distribution’s package manager. Ubuntu, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu GNOME and many more users will already have GNOME Screenshot pre-installed. Then, launch the GNOME screenshot tool by searching for it in Ubuntu’s Dash or your distro’s applications menu.

使用方法 :如果尚未安裝,請使用發行版的軟體包管理器安裝GNOME螢幕截圖。 Ubuntu,Ubuntu MATE,Ubuntu GNOME和更多使用者将已經預先安裝了GNOME螢幕截圖。 然後,通過在Ubuntu的Dash或發行版的應用程式菜單中進行搜尋來啟動GNOME螢幕截圖工具。

linux 截屏_如何在Linux上截圖

Taking a screenshot is simple: choose the type of screenshot you’d like (Whole Screen, Window, or Selectable Region), pick any options you want, and click the “Take Screenshot” button. From there, you can either save the image to your computer or copy it to your clipboard.

截屏很簡單:選擇所需的截屏類型(全屏,視窗或可選區域),選擇所需的任何選項,然後單擊“截屏”按鈕。 從那裡,您可以将圖像儲存到計算機或将其複制到剪貼闆。

GNOME Screenshot is typically the default screen capture tool for most distributions that ship with GTK-based desktop environements like GNOME, MATE, LXDE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Pantheon, and other environments. However, XFCE ships with their own tool called “Xfce4-screenshooter“. XFCE’s tool is practically identical to GNOME’s in terms of process, but XFCE’s opted for supporting the ZimageZ image host rather than image effects.

對于大多數發行版,GNOME螢幕快照通常是預設發行版的螢幕捕獲工具,這些發行版随附基于GNOME,MATE,LXDE,Cinnamon,Budgie,Pantheon和其他環境的基于GTK的桌面環境。 但是,XFCE附帶了自己的名為“ Xfce4-screenshooter ”的工具。 XFCE的工具在處理方面實際上與GNOME相同,但是XFCE選擇了支援ZimageZ圖像主機而不是圖像效果。

方法二:使用KDE的眼鏡獲得更多控制 (Method Two: Get a Bit More Control with KDE’s Spectacle)

Spectacle is the default screenshot utility for Kubuntu 16.04 and other KDE Plasma based distributions. Spectacle replaced KSnapshot as the official KDE screenshot tool starting with Plasma 5.5. Spectacle is a great combination of simplicity and powerful features. Spectacle offers all of the same features as GNOME Screenshot, minus effects, but has many additional features to set itself apart. Spectacle also provides all of these features without restricting any due to the mode used.

Spectacle是Kubuntu 16.04和其他基于KDE Plasma的發行版的預設螢幕快照實用程式。 Spectacle從Plasma 5.5開始将KSnapshot替換為官方的KDE螢幕截圖工具。 眼鏡是簡單性和強大功能的完美結合。 Spectacle提供了與GNOME螢幕快照相同的所有功能,但沒有特效,但還有許多其他功能使其與衆不同。 眼鏡還提供所有這些功能,而不受所用模式的限制。

Spectacle has the ability to capture your entire screen, a specific monitor, a particular window, a manually selected rectangular region, and even a specified dialog/popup window. All of these modes have the ability to include the mouse pointer and add a delay to the capture.

眼鏡可以捕獲整個螢幕,特定的螢幕,特定的視窗,手動選擇的矩形區域,甚至是指定的對話框/彈出視窗。 所有這些模式都可以包含滑鼠指針并為捕獲增加延遲。

Spectacle comes with great time savers such as automatic filename selection with customizable date format and the ability to remember the last manually selected region. Once a screenshot is captured you can save it to your computer, copy to your clipboard, open it directly in another application, or automatically upload it to either Imgur or Twitter.

眼鏡附帶大量節省時間的功能,例如可自定義日期格式的自動檔案名選擇以及記住上一個手動選擇區域的功能。 捕獲截圖後,您可以将其儲存到計算機,複制到剪貼闆,直接在另一個應用程式中打開或自動将其上傳到Imgur或Twitter。

How to Use It: If you don’t have Spectacle, install it using your distribution’s package manager. Kubuntu, KDE Neon, and many more users will already have Spectacle pre-installed. Then, launch Spectacle from your App Menu, choose the type of screenshot you want, and click the “Take New Screenshot” button. Click “Export To” to save or upload the image, or copy it to your clipboard if you want to paste it elsewhere.

使用方法 :如果沒有Spectacle,請使用發行版的軟體包管理器進行安裝。 Kubuntu,KDE Neon和更多使用者已經預裝了Spectacle。 然後,從“應用程式菜單”中啟動Spectacle,選擇所需的螢幕截圖類型,然後單擊“擷取新螢幕截圖”按鈕。 單擊“導出到”以儲存或上傳圖像,如果要将其粘貼到其他位置,則将其複制到剪貼闆。

linux 截屏_如何在Linux上截圖

方法三:使用快門的進階工具捕獲,編輯和導出 (Method Three: Capture, Edit, and Export with Shutter’s Advanced Tools)

Shutter is one of the most robust screenshot tools available for Linux and perhaps for any platform. Shutter includes the standards like full screen, specific windows, and manually selected regions but Shutter goes above and beyond the features of a standard screen capture tool. Shutter’s wide variety of features also include a Magnifier for Region Selection, Website Capture (without a browser), Tooltip capture, extensive Export tools, a Plugin system, and even their own Image Editor.

快門是可用于Linux或任何平台的最強大的螢幕截圖工具之一。 快門包括諸如全屏,特定視窗和手動選擇的區域之類的标準,但是“快門”超越了标準螢幕捕獲工具的功能。 快門的多種功能還包括用于區域選擇的放大鏡,網站捕獲(不帶浏覽器),工具提示捕獲,廣泛的導出工具,插件系統,甚至是自己的圖像編輯器。

Shutter’s Export system supports custom FTP servers and Cloud services like Imgur, Dropbox, ToileLibre, Minus, and more. Shutter supports guest uploading and account based uploading to these services via OAuth or Username/Password combinations.

Shutter的Export系統支援自定義FTP伺服器和雲服務,例如Imgur,Dropbox,ToileLibre,Minus等。 Shutter支援通過OAuth或使用者名/密碼組合将訪客上傳和基于帳戶的上傳到這些服務。

Shutter’s Plugin system provides an impressive set of effects and tools that can be automatically applied to any image loaded in the session. Shutter’s Effects and Tools include Sepia coloring, Greyscaling, Watermarking, “Torn Paper”, Auto-Resizing, Auto-Cropping, and many more.

快門的插件系統提供了一組令人印象深刻的效果和工具,可以自動應用于會話中加載的任何圖像。 快門的效果和工具包括棕褐色着色,灰階縮放,水印,“撕紙”,自動調整大小,自動裁切等等。

linux 截屏_如何在Linux上截圖

Shutter’s built-in Image Editor provides a wide array of fundamental features like adding text and cropping. The editor’s most interesting features though are the ability to highlight elements with Arrows, Drawing Shapes and, of course, a Highlighter. However on occasion you may want to share a screenshot but restrict some of the data from view. Shutter provides this functionality with a Censorship Brush tool and a Pixelation tool to keep that data from prying eyes. The editor also comes with an auto-increment shape tool that can be added to screenshots making Shutter the perfect capture tool for step-by-step guides.

快門的内置圖像編輯器提供了多種基本功能,例如添加文本和裁剪。 但是,編輯器最有趣的功能是能夠使用箭頭,繪圖形狀(當然還有熒光筆)來突出顯示元素。 但是,有時您可能希望共享螢幕截圖,但限制了某些資料的顯示。 快門通過“審查刷”工具和“像素化”工具提供此功能,以防止窺視資料。 該編輯器還附帶有一個自動遞增形狀工具,可以将其添加到螢幕截圖中,進而使Shutter成為逐漸指南的理想捕獲工具。

How to Use It: To use Shutter, download and install it from their home page, or your distro’s package manager, if it has it. Then, just launch it from your distribution’s app menu, choose the type of screenshot you want to take, and press “Enter” to finish the capture. When you’re done, you’ll have a lot of choices in terms of what to do with the resulting screenshot.

使用方法 :要使用Shutter, 請從其首頁或發行版的軟體包管理器(如果有)中下載下傳并安裝它。 然後,隻需從發行版的應用程式菜單啟動它,選擇要拍攝的螢幕截圖類型,然後按“ Enter”完成捕獲。 完成後,您将在如何處理生成的螢幕截圖方面有很多選擇。

linux 截屏_如何在Linux上截圖

方法四:從指令行捕獲螢幕截圖 (Method Four: Captule Screenshots from the Command Line)

For power-users command-line functionality can be very important, that’s where scrot and maim come in. The majority of features provided by the GUI (Graphical User Interface) applications are available in both scrot and maim but can also use either tool for automated screenshots, screenshots of remote computers over SSH and many other features.


scrot is the more all-in-one tool for command line screenshots, as it provides options for adding a delay, quality control, region selection, thumbnail generation and much more. Alternatively, maim takes a more simplistic approach by relying on other tools to improve functionality. For example with maim, if you want take a screenshot of the active window then you’ll need to incorporate the use of “xdotool“. Both of these applications are great for taking screenshots on the command line but you’ll need to decide which approach is best for you.

scrot是用于指令行螢幕截圖的更加多功能的工具,因為它提供了添加延遲,品質控制,區域選擇,縮略圖生成等選項。 另外,maim依靠其他工具來改善功能,進而采用了更為簡化的方法。 例如,對于maim,如果要對活動視窗進行截圖,則需要合并使用“ xdotool ”。 這兩個應用程式都非常适合在指令行上截屏,但是您需要确定哪種方法最适合您。

How to Use Them: scrot and maim are more complex than we could dive into here, but the basics are simple. Install scrot or maim from your distribution’s repository, and run

scrot filename.jpg


maim filename.jpg

to take a screenshot. Read through the manpage of each command for more details on the stuff you can do–for example, you can set them to use the current date for the file name, or change where the screenshots are saved.

如何使用它們 :scrot和maim比我們在這裡可以深入了解的要複雜,但是基礎很簡單。 安裝scrot或從發行的庫殘廢,并運作

scrot filename.jpg

maim filename.jpg

采取截圖。 通讀每個指令的手冊,以擷取有關您可以執行的操作的更多詳細資訊,例如,可以将它們設定為使用檔案名的目前日期,或更改螢幕快照的儲存位置。

linux 截屏_如何在Linux上截圖
翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/268036/how-to-take-a-screenshot-on-linux/

linux 截屏