
Unity NavMeshAgent參數及APINavMeshAgent

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  • NavMeshAgent
    • Properties
      • Insepecotr
          • Agent Type
          • Base Offset
        • Steering(操縱)
          • Speed(float)
          • Angular Speed(float)
          • Acceleration(float)
          • Stopping Distance(float)
          • Auto Braking(bool)
        • Obstacle Avoidance(障礙回避)
          • Radius(float)
          • Height(float)
          • Quality(enum)
          • priority(int)
        • Pathing Finding(尋路)
          • autoTraverseOffMeshLink(bool)
          • autoRepath(bool)
          • areaMask(int)
      • 非Inspector
          • avoidancePriority(int)
          • currentOffMeshLinkData(AI.OffMeshLinkData)
          • desiredVelocity(Vector3)
          • destination(Vector3)
          • hasPath(bool)
          • isOnNavMesh(bool)
          • isOnOffMeshLink(bool)
          • isPathStale(bool)
          • isStopped(bool)
          • navMeshOwner(Object)
          • nextOffMeshLinkData(AI.OffMeshLinkData)
          • nextPosition(Vector3)
          • obstacleAvoidanceType(AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType)
          • path(AI.NavMeshPath)
          • pathPending(bool)
          • pathStatus(AI.NavMeshPathStatus)
          • steeringTarget(Vector3)
          • updatePosition(bool)
          • updateRotation(bool)
          • updateUpAxis(bool)
          • velocity(Vector3)
    • API(Public Methods)
          • ActivateCurrentOffMeshLink(void)
          • CalculatePath(bool)
          • CompleteOffMeshLink(void)
          • FindClosestEdge(bool)
          • GetAreaCost(float)
          • Move(Vector3)
          • Raycast(bool)
          • ResetPath(void)
          • SamplePathPosition(bool)
          • SetAreaCost(void)
          • SetDestination(bool)
          • SetPath(bool)
          • Warp(bool)




This component is attached to a mobile character in the game to allow it to navigate the Scene using the NavMesh. See the Navigation section of the manual for further details.





Unity NavMeshAgent參數及APINavMeshAgent
Agent Type

The type ID for the agent.

This identifier determines which NavMeshes are available for the Agent to move on. See also NavMeshBuildSettings.agentTypeID. Changing this ID will reset the Agent’s current path.

這個辨別符決定了Agent可以在哪些NavMeshes上移動。另請參見NavMeshBuildSettings.agentTypeID。改變Agent Type将重置Agent的目前路徑。

該設定在Navigation中,Navigation可在Windows下的AI中找到。打開後,就能見到如圖所示的Agent Type了。該值的設定相當于人物的分類,比如你可以建立一個Animal的Agent Type,然後設定其相關的屬性。這樣在尋路時就會表現出與Humanoid不同的特征。

Unity NavMeshAgent參數及APINavMeshAgent
Base Offset

The relative vertical displacement of the owning GameObject.





Maximum movement speed when following a path.

An agent will typically need to speed up and slow down as it follows a path (eg, it will slow down to make a tight turn). The speed is often limited by the length of a path segment and the time taken to accelerate and brake, but the speed will not exceed the value set by this property even on a long, straight path.


Angular Speed(float)

Maximum turning speed in (deg/s) while following a path.

This is the maximum rate at which the agent can turn as it rounds the “corner” defined by a waypoint. The actual turning circle is also influenced by the speed of the agent on approach and also the maximum acceleration.



The maximum acceleration of an agent as it follows a path, given in units / sec^2.

An agent does not follow precisely the line segments of the path calculated by the navigation system but rather uses the waypoints along the path as intermediate destinations. This value is the maximum amount by which the agent can accelerate while moving towards the next waypoint.


Stopping Distance(float)

Stop within this distance from the target position.

It is seldom possible to land exactly at the target point, so this property can be used to set an acceptable radius within which the agent should stop. A larger stopping distance will give the agent more room for manoeuvre at the end of the path and might avoid sudden braking, turning or other unconvincing AI behaviour.


Auto Braking(bool)

Should the agent brake automatically to avoid overshooting the destination point?

If the agent needs to land close to the destination point then it will typically need to brake to avoid overshooting or endless “orbiting” around the target zone. If this property is set to true, the agent will brake automatically as it nears the destination.

該屬性設定為true時,agent會在到達Stopping Distance時直接停下。否則會出現當agent速度太快沖過目标點時,會緩慢的回到目标點的現象。

Obstacle Avoidance(障礙回避)



The avoidance radius for the agent.

This is the agent’s “personal space” within which obstacles and other agents should not pass.



The height of the agent for purposes of passing under obstacles, etc.



設定品質。我也不知道這個有什麼用,設定成High Quality就好了。



Pathing Finding(尋路)


Should the agent move across OffMeshLinks automatically?

Off-mesh links are used to connect disjoint regions of the NavMesh. Usually, a character should be able to pass through or traverse a link automatically, which will happen if this property is set to true. However, it can also be set to false in cases where special control over movement is needed.

分離網格連結指的是兩個不相交的導航網格之間的連結路徑(比如agent跳過去飛過去等非實地路徑)。關于這個的詳細内容可以參看這篇部落格【Unity】12.3 Off Mesh Link元件。簡單來說,該值設定為true的話,agent将可以通過分離網格連結。将其設定為false的話,就需要你手動的給場景中的物體添加Off Mesh Link元件,進而使得agent可以到達其上。


Should the agent attempt to acquire a new path if the existing path becomes invalid?

A new path calculation is also attempted acquired if the agent reaches the end of a partial and stale path.



Specifies which NavMesh areas are passable. Changing areaMask will make the path stale (see isPathStale).

This is a bitfield.




The avoidance priority level.

When the agent is performing avoidance, agents of lower priority are ignored. The valid range is from 0 to 99 where: Most important = 0. Least important = 99. Default = 50.



The current OffMeshLinkData.

In the case that this agent is not on an OffMeshLink the OffMeshLinkData is marked as invalid.



The desired velocity of the agent including any potential contribution from avoidance. (Read Only)



Gets or attempts to set the destination of the agent in world-space units.


Returns the destination set for this agent.

  • If a destination is set but the path is not yet processed the position returned will be valid navmesh position that’s closest to the previously set position.
  • If the agent has no path or requested path - returns the agents position on the navmesh.
  • If the agent is not mapped to the navmesh (e.g. Scene has no navmesh) - returns a position at infinity.


Requests the agent to move to the valid navmesh position that’s closest to the requested destination.

  • The path result may not become available until after a few frames. Use pathPending to query for outstanding results.
  • If it’s not possible to find a valid nearby navmesh position (e.g. Scene has no navmesh) no path is requested. Use SetDestination and check return value if you need to handle this case explicitly.

Does the agent currently have a path? (Read Only)

This property will be true if the agent has a path calculated to the desired destination and false otherwise.



Is the agent currently bound to the navmesh? (Read Only)

This property is false if the agent, for some reason, could not bind to the navmesh. E.g. if Scene has no navmesh.



Is the agent currently positioned on an OffMeshLink? (Read Only)

This property is useful when autoTraverseOffMeshLink is false and custom movement is needed when crossing the link.



Is the current path stale. (Read Only)

When true, the path may no longer be valid or optimal. This flag will be set if: there are any changes to the areaMask, if any OffMeshLink is enabled or disabled, or if the costs for the NavMeshAreas have been changed.



This property holds the stop or resume condition of the NavMesh agent.

If set to True, the NavMesh agent’s movement will be stopped along its current path. If set to False after the NavMesh agent has stopped, it will resume moving along its current path.


該值為true,agent的移動将沿着其目前路徑停止。 如果在agent尋路時将該屬性設定為false,它将會因為慣性繼續沿着它目前的尋路路徑移動一小段距離。


Returns the owning object of the NavMesh the agent is currently placed on (Read Only).

If no owner is set for a NavMesh or link instance the return value is null.



The next OffMeshLinkData on the current path.

In the case that the current path does not contain an OffMeshLink the OffMeshLinkData is marked as invalid.



Gets or sets the simulation position of the navmesh agent.

The position vector is in world space coordinates and units.

The nextPosition is coupled to Transform.position. In the default case the navmesh agent’s Transform position will match the internal simulation position at the time the script Update function is called. This coupling can be turned on and off by setting updatePosition.

When updatePosition is true, the Transform.position reflects the simulated position, when false the position of the transform and the navmesh agent is not synchronized, and you’ll see a difference between the two in general. When updatePosition is turned back on, the Transform.position will be immediately move to match nextPosition.

By setting nextPosition you can directly control where the internal agent position should be. The agent will be moved towards the position, but is constrained by the navmesh connectivity and boundaries. As such it will be useful only if the positions are continuously updated and assessed.







The level of quality of avoidance.

This property lets you trade off the precision of obstacle avoidance againt the processor load required to achieve it. The exact quality/performance values will depend heavily on the complexity of the Scene but as a general rule, faster performance can be achieved at the cost of quality and vice versa.


Property to get and set the current path.

This property can be useful for GUI, debugging and other purposes to get the points of the path calculated by the navigation system. Additionally, a path created from user code can be set for the agent to follow in the usual way. An example of this might be a patrol route designed for coverage rather than optimal distance between two points.


Is a path in the process of being computed but not yet ready? (Read Only)



The status of the current path (complete, partial or invalid).



Get the current steering target along the path. (Read Only)

This is typically the next corner along the path or the end point of the path.

Unless the agent is moving on an OffMeshLink, there is a straight path between the agent and the steeringTarget.

When approaching an OffMeshLink for traversal - the value is the position where the agent will enter the link. While agent is traversing an OffMeshLink the value is the position where the agent will leave the link.


Gets or sets whether the transform position is synchronized with the simulated agent position. The default value is true.

When true: changing the transform position will affect the simulated position and vice-versa.

When false: the simulated position will not be applied to the transform position and vice-versa.

Setting updatePosition to false can be used to enable explicit control of the transform position via script. This allows you to use the agent’s simulated position to drive another component, which in turn sets the transform position (eg. animation with root motion or physics).

When enabling the updatePosition (from previously being disabled), the transform will be moved to the simulated position. This way the agent stays constrained to the navmesh surface.




将updatePosition設定為false可用于通過腳本對變換位置啟用明确的控制。 這樣我們就可以使用agent的模拟位置來驅動另一個元件,進而設定變換位置(例如,具有根運動或實體特性的動畫)。



Should the agent update the transform orientation?



m_NavMeshAgent.updatePosition = false;
m_NavMeshAgent.updateRotation = false;
m_NavMeshAgent.nextPosition = transform.position;



Allows you to specify whether the agent should be aligned to the up-axis of the NavMesh or link that it is placed on.

When this value is set to true, the agent will always be aligned to the local up-axis of the NavMesh or link that it is currently on. When set to false, the agent’s orientation is unaffected by the orientation of the NavMesh.


Access the current velocity of the NavMeshAgent component, or set a velocity to control the agent manually.

Reading the variable will return the current velocity of the agent based on the crowd simulation.

Setting the variable will override the simulation (including: moving towards destination, collision avoidance, and acceleration control) and command the NavMesh Agent to move using the specific velocity directly. When the agent is controlled using a velocity, its movement is still constrained on the NavMesh.

Setting the velocity directly, can be used for implementing player characters, which are moving on NavMesh and affecting the rest of the simulated crowd. In addition, setting priority to high (a small value is higher priority), will make other simulated agents to avoid the player controlled agent even more eagerly.

It is recommended to set the velocity each frame when controlling the agent manually, and if releasing the control to the simulation, set the velocity to zero. If agent’s velocity is set to some value and then stopped updating it, the simulation will pick up from there and the agent will slowly decelerate (assuming no destination is set).

Note that reading the velocity will always return value from the simulation. If you set the value, the effect will show up in the next update. Since the returned velocity comes from the simulation (including avoidance and collision handling), it can be different than the one you set.

The velocity is specified in distance units per second (same as physics), and represented in global coordinate system.

API(Public Methods)


public void ActivateCurrentOffMeshLink(bool activated);

Parameters Description
actived Is the link activated?

Enables or disables the current off-mesh link.

This function activates or deactivates the off-mesh link where the agent is currently waiting. This is useful for granting access to newly discovered areas of the game world or simulating the creation or removal of an obstacle to an area.





public bool CalculatePath(Vector3 targetPosition, AI.NavMeshPath path);

Parameters Description
targetPosition The final position of the path requested.
path The resulting path.
Return bool True if a path is found.

Calculate a path to a specified point and store the resulting path.

This function can be used to plan a path ahead of time to avoid a delay in gameplay when the path is needed. Another use is to check if a target position is reachable before moving the agent.


public void CompleteOffMeshLink();

Completes the movement on the current OffMeshLink.

The agent will move to the closest valid navmesh position on the other end of the current OffMeshLink.

CompleteOffMeshLink has no effect unless the agent is on an OffMeshLink (See Also: isOnOffMeshLink).

When autoTraverseOffMeshLink is disabled an agent will pause at an off-mesh link until this function is called. It is useful for implementing custom movement across OffMeshLinks.


public bool FindClosestEdge(out AI.NavMeshHit hit);

Parameters Description
hit Holds the properties of the resulting location.
Return bool True if a nearest edge is found.

Locate the closest NavMesh edge.

The returned NavMeshHit object contains the position and details of the nearest point on the nearest edge of the Navmesh. Since an edge typically corresponds to a wall or other large object, this could be used to make a character take cover as close to the wall as possible.


public float GetAreaCost(int areaIndex);

areaIndex Area Index.


float Current cost for specified area index.

Parameters Description
areaIndex Area Index.
Return float Current cost for specified area index.

Gets the cost for path calculation when crossing area of a particular type.

The cost of a path is the amount of “difficulty” involved in calculating it - the shortest path may not be the best if it passes over difficult ground, such as mud, snow, etc. Different types of areas are denoted by navmesh areas in Unity. The cost of a particular area is given in cost units per distance unit. Note that the cost of a path applies to the pathfinding only and does not automatically affect the movement speed of the agent when following the path. Indeed, the path’s cost may denote other factors such as danger (safe but long path through a minefield) or visibility (long path that keeps a character in the shadows).


public void Move(Vector3 offset);

Parameters Description
offset The relative movement vector.

Apply relative movement to current position.

If the agent has a path it will be adjusted.



public bool Raycast(Vector3 targetPosition, out AI.NavMeshHit hit);

Parameters Description
targetPosition The desired end position of movement.
hit Properties of the obstacle detected by the ray (if any).
Return bool True if there is an obstacle between the agent and the target position, otherwise false.

Trace a straight path towards a target postion in the NavMesh without moving the agent.

This function follows the path of a “ray” between the agent’s position and the specified target position. If an obstruction is encountered along the line then a true value is returned and the position and other details of the obstructing object are stored in the hit parameter. This can be used to check if there is a clear shot or line of sight between a character and a target object. This function is preferable to the similar Physics.Raycast because the line tracing is performed in a simpler way using the navmesh and has a lower processing overhead.


public void ResetPath();

Clears the current path.

When the path is cleared, the agent will not start looking for a new path until SetDestination is called.

Note that if the agent is on an OffMeshLink when this function is called, it will complete the link immediately.





public bool SamplePathPosition(int areaMask, float maxDistance, out AI.NavMeshHit hit);

Parameters Description
areaMask A bitfield mask specifying which NavMesh areas can be passed when tracing the path.
maxDistance Terminate scanning the path at this distance.
hit Holds the properties of the resulting location.
Return bool True if terminated before reaching the position at maxDistance, false otherwise.

Sample a position along the current path.

This function looks ahead a specified distance along the current path. Details of the mesh at that position are then returned in a NavMeshHit object. This could be used, for example, to check the type of surface that lies ahead before the character gets there - a character could raise his gun above his head if he is about to wade through water, say.


該方法會沿着目前路徑檢查指定的距離,如果取樣到某一層上的點,會在NavMeshHit對象中傳回該點網格的詳細資訊。 舉個例子,這可以用于檢查在角色到達目标點之前,前方是否存在某一物體。例如,如果角色打算涉水而過,它可以将槍舉過頭頂。那麼這個方法就可以檢測前方是否有水。


public void SetAreaCost(int areaIndex, float areaCost);

Parameters Description
areaIndex Area cost.
areaCost New cost for the specified area index.

Sets the cost for traversing over areas of the area type.

If you enable or disable the agent then the cost will be reset to the default layer cost.




public bool SetDestination(Vector3 target);

Parameters Description
target The target point to navigate to.
Return bool True if the destination was requested successfully, otherwise false.

Sets or updates the destination thus triggering the calculation for a new path.

Note that the path may not become available until after a few frames later. While the path is being computed, pathPending will be true. If a valid path becomes available then the agent will resume movement.





public bool SetPath(AI.NavMeshPath path);

Parameters Description
path New path to follow.
Return bool True if the path is succesfully assigned.

Assign a new path to this agent.

If the path is succesfully assigned the agent will resume movement toward the new target. If the path cannot be assigned the path will be cleared (see ResetPath).




public bool Warp(Vector3 newPosition);

Parameters Description
newPosition New position to warp the agent to.
Return bool True if agent is successfully warped, otherwise false.

Warps agent to the provided position.

Returns true if successful, otherwise returns false.


