
ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

ios 月曆

ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

Earlier this month, Google added a Goals feature to the Google Calendar apps for iOS and Android. Goals automatically finds free time in your calendar and schedules recurring events to help you achieve your goals. Here’s how to get it all set up.

本月初,Google在iOS和Android的Google月曆應用中添加了“目标”功能。 目标會自動在您的月曆中找到空閑時間,并安排重複發生的事件以幫助您實作目标。 這是設定步驟的方法。

The Google Calendar app is installed by default on Android. If you use an iPad or iPhone, you can add your Gmail, contacts, and calendar to the built-in iOS apps, but you’re probably better served downloading the official Google Calendar app for its extra features, like reminders–and now, goals. The new goals feature is great if you want to schedule regular blocks of time for achieving your goals because Google Calendar automatically finds free time in your calendar based on criteria you set. And if you add a conflicting event to your calendar, Google will automatically defer your goal to a later date. Here’s how to set up a goal.

Google月曆應用預設情況下安裝在Android上。 如果您使用iPad或iPhone,則可以将Gmail,通訊錄和月曆添加到内置的iOS應用中,但最好下載下傳官方的Google月曆應用以擷取其提醒功能,例如提醒–現在,目标。 如果您想安排定期的時間來實作目标,則新的目标功能非常有用,因為Google月曆會根據您設定的條件自動在月曆中查找空閑時間。 而且,如果您在月曆中添加沖突事件,Google會自動将您的目标推遲到以後的日期。 這是設定目标的方法。

In the Google Calendar app, tap the Create button at the bottom right.


ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

On the pop-up menu, tap Goal.


ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

Next, you’ll choose the type of goal you want to create. Options right now include exercising, building a skill, making time for friends and family, getting some me time, or organizing your life. In this example, we’re going to set up a goal for learning to play a musical instrument, but the steps are the same for whatever goal you choose. Tap “Build a skill.”

接下來,您将選擇要建立的目标類型。 現在的選擇包括鍛煉,鍛煉技能,與朋友和家人共度時光,花些時間或安排您的生活。 在此示例中,我們将建立一個學習演奏樂器的目标,但是無論您選擇什麼目标,其步驟都是相同的。 點選“建立技能”。

ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

On the next page, choose from a list of skills that match the category or tap “Custom…” to create your own. Here, we’re going to tap “Practice an instrument.”

在下一頁上,從與類别比對的技能清單中進行選擇,或點選“自定義...”以建立自己的技能。 在這裡,我們要點選“練習樂器”。

ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

If you pick a built-in skill, Google Calendar will have some suggestions for you to narrow down your goal. You can also type in your own skill name, which we’re doing in this example.

如果您選擇了内置技能,則Google月曆會為您提供一些建議,以縮小目标範圍。 您也可以輸入自己的技能名稱,在此示例中我們将這樣做。

ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

Next, choose how often you want to work on your goal. This choice determines how often Google Calendar sets the recurring event.

接下來,選擇實作目标的頻率。 此選擇确定Google月曆設定重複事件的頻率。

ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

And then choose how long each goal-building session should be.


ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

Let Google Calendar the time of day you want to work on your goal.


ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

Google Calendar presents your new goal with your selected options. Tap the Done button to create the goal. If you want to change any of your selections, just tap “More Options.”

Google月曆為您提供了新的目标和選擇的選項。 點選完成按鈕以建立目标。 如果您想更改任何選擇,隻需點選“更多選項”。

ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

When you return to the calendar, you can see that your new goal-building sessions have been scheduled for you. You can tap any particular session to perform activities like deferring the goal, marking it as done, or editing the goal.

當您傳回月曆時,可以看到已經為您安排了新的目标制定會議。 您可以點按任何特定的會話以執行諸如推遲目标,将其标記為已完成或編輯目标之類的活動。

ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

You can click the Edit button to see options for changing this particular session or all sessions for the goal. If you find you don’t have time (or energy) for a particular session, just tap Defer.

您可以單擊“編輯”按鈕以檢視用于更改此特定會話或目标的所有會話的選項。 如果您發現自己沒有時間(或精力)用于特定的會話,請點選“延遲”。

ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

Google Calendar will automatically find another time for your deferred goal and drop it into your schedule.


ios 月曆_如何在iOS和Android的Google月曆中設定目标

And that’s all there is to it. Now, you have no excuse for not finding time for your goals, so get started achieving stuff!

這就是全部。 現在,您沒有任何理由找不到時間來實作自己的目标,是以開始着手實作目标吧!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/252269/how-to-set-a-goal-in-google-calendar-for-ios-and-android/

ios 月曆