
Druapl7 Note-3: the directory sites/default/files is not writable.(FIXED)

The problem is here:
Druapl7 Note-3: the directory sites/default/files is not writable.(FIXED)
Guys this is an easy fix. It is only a Unix files permission problem. Here is the fix:
  • 1. Change directory to the root of your Drupal site.

cd /var/www

  • 2. Set your permissions to 777 and try it out.

You can back off permissions to lock it down later, but get it working for now. Ensure to do it RECURSIVE. the -R is what is killing people in this post because there are already files in the directory that need to be writable for Drupal to work properly.

chmod 777 -R sites/default/files

  • 3. Now create a directory called tmp at the root of your site.

mkdir tmp

  • 4. Set the permissions there too.

chmod 777 -R tmp
