
反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.


一個非常好的.net reflector工具: Lutz Roeder's .NET Reflector v. ,可以decompile成IL,C#,Visual Basic,甚至Delphi。而且Browser用起來非常舒服:

反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.


反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.


Review by nikhilsi on 10/16/2003
反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.
Super cool tool Full Review:

I made lots of changes to my project last night. Today, by mistake, I overwrote my files from another machine. I used this tool to open my last night's dll and showed the source and re-created my files. Saved a day for me. THIS TOOL ROCKS !!!!!!

Review by larsberg on 6/10/2003
反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.
Can't live without it. Full Review:

Sure, I've got the real source for things I browse -- somewhere. And also about ten different code browsers. But this is the only tool that pulls everything that I want to do together when browsing without making me fill out a ton of variables, cache copies of the whole NT and CLR source trees for the build I'm working with. Kudos on a great tool!

Review by shyamh on 3/20/2003
反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.
Great time-saver Full Review:

The ability to look into resources is a huge time-saver. Not to mention the Call Tree extension which tells us where our code is really going! -Thanks

Review on 6/21/2002
反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.
Very well done! Full Review:

Professional quality and very useful

Review on 2/20/2002
反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.
great tool!! Full Review:

I really like the whole concept of this tool...

Review by frankgor on 11/26/2001
反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.
A must have for .NET devs. Full Review:

This tool rocks and is a must have for people who use the .NET framework regularly.

Review on 11/16/2001
反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.
a jewel of a tool Full Review:

love the ease of use of browsing and dissasembly, wish all tools were this well crafted. Thanks!

Review by marioe on 11/1/2001
反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.
Small, Great, Usefull!! Full Review:

You can save much time thanks, really

Review by glindsay on 6/11/2001
反編譯工具: .NET Reflector v.
Saves me time every single day... Full Review:

...and that's the best thing I can say about any tool.