
Python3 - Basics 4 「Functions + Classes & Objects + Dictionaries」


-We use keyword 'def' to define our functions.

-Our functions can receive arguments from the caller.

-Our functions can return a value to the caller.

Just as follows

//Function without arguments and return 
def myFunction1():
    print("Hello World")

//Function with arguments
def myFunction2(username, greeting):
    print("Hello, %s ,From My Function!, I wish you %s" % (username, greeting)

//Function with arguments and return 
def myFunction3(a, b):
    return a + b
-And how do we call functions in Python ? (In this place, we just use the definitions above)

myFunction2("Sharon","all the best")


2.Classes and Objects

-Objects are an encapsulation of variables and functions into a single entity.

-Objects get their variables and functions from classes.

-Classes are essentially a template to create your objects.

-A basic class would look like this 

class Myclass:
    variable = "blalalala"
    def function(self):
        print("This is a message inside the class")
-And to assign the class above
myObject1 = Myclass()
-To access the variable / function inside of the newly created object.

-As we already know that the variable in the class has been defined as "blalala" , we can actually change the variables of the object if you create a new object. Pleace pay attention that the variable we change is the variable which belongs to the object , not the class. We can do the change as follows.
myObject2 = Myclass()
myObject2.variable = "newly changed one "


-A dictionary is a data type similar to arrays, but works with keys and values instead of indexes. Each value stored in a dictionary can be accessed using a key , which is any type of object (a string, a numner, a list , etc.) instead of using its index to address it.

-Pleace pay attention that we use { } to define dictionaries as follows.

phonebook = {"John":1111,"Sharon":2222}


-And we can add the key and value as follows.
phonebook["Aaron"] = 3333



-To interate over dictionaries.

-Does not keep the order of the values stored in it.

-To iterate over key value pairs, use the following syntax:

for name, number in phonebook.items():
    print("Phone number of %s is %d" % (name, number))
-How to remove a pair of key and value ?
del phonebook["John"]
-To know if "John" is in the dictionary ? Use "if" 
if "John" in phonebook:
    print("John is listed in the phonebook")

if "John" not in phonebook:
    print("John is not listed in the phonebook")