
Post-processing overview 後期處理概述 後期處理系列1Post-processing overview 後期處理概述

Post-processing overview 後期處理概述





Post-processing is the process of applying full-screen filters and effects to a camera’s image buffer before it is displayed to screen. It can drastically improve the visuals of your product with little setup time.


You can use post-processing effects to simulate physical camera and film properties; for example; Bloom, Depth of Field, Chromatic Aberration or Color Grading.

您可以使用後處理效果來模拟實體相機和膠片的屬性;例如;輝光(Bloom)、景深(Depth of Field)、色差(Chromatic Aberration)或顔色分級(Color Grading)。

Using post-processing

To use post-processing in your project you can import Unity’s post-processing stack. You can also write your own post-processing effects. See Writing post-processing effects for details.


The images below demonstrate a Scene with and without post-processing.


Post-processing overview 後期處理概述 後期處理系列1Post-processing overview 後期處理概述

Scene with post-processing

Post-processing overview 後期處理概述 後期處理系列1Post-processing overview 後期處理概述

Scene with no post-processing

Post-processing stack 後期處理棧

The post-processing stack is an über effect that combines a complete set of effects into a single post-processing pipeline. This has a few advantages:


  • Effects are always configured in the correct order 效果總是按照正确的順序配置
  • It allows a combination of many effects into a single pass 它允許多個效果組合成一個pass
  • All effects are grouped together in the UI for a better user experience 為了更好的使用者體驗,所有效果都在一個UI界面中

The post-processing stack also includes a collection of monitors and debug views to help you set up your effects correctly and debug problems in the output.


To use post-processing, download the post-processing stack from the Asset Store.


Post-processing overview 後期處理概述 後期處理系列1Post-processing overview 後期處理概述

Post-processing stack

Setting up the post-processing stack 設定後處理堆棧

For optimal post-processing results it is recommended that you work in the Linear color-space with HDR enabled. Using the deferred rendering path is also recommended (as required for some effects, such as Screen Space Reflection).


First you need to add the Post Processing Behaviour script to your camera. You can do that by selecting your camera and use one of the following ways:


  • Drag the PostProcessingBehaviour.cs script from the project window to the camera.
  • Use the menu Component > Effects > Post Processing Behaviour.
  • Use the Add Component button in the Inspector.
    Post-processing overview 後期處理概述 後期處理系列1Post-processing overview 後期處理概述
    Adding a Post-Processing Behaviour script

You will now have a behaviour configured with an empty profile. The next step is to create a custom profile using one of the following ways:


  • Right-click in your project window and select Create >Post-Processing Profile.
  • Use the menu Assets > Create > Post-Processing Profile.

This will create a new asset in your project.


Post-Processing Profiles are project assets and can be shared easily between scenes / cameras, as well as between different projects or on the Asset Store. This makes creating presets easier (ie. high quality preset for desktop or lower settings for mobile).


Selecting a profile will show the inspector window for editing the profile settings.


Post-processing overview 後期處理概述 後期處理系列1Post-processing overview 後期處理概述

Newly created post-processing profile

To assign the profile to the behaviour you can drag it from the project panel to the component or use the object selector in the inspector.


Post-processing overview 後期處理概述 後期處理系列1Post-processing overview 後期處理概述

Post-processing profile assigned to the Behaviour script

With the profile selected, you can use the checkbox on each effect in the inspector to enable or disable individual effects. You’ll find more information about each effect in their individual documentation pages.


Post-processing overview 後期處理概述 後期處理系列1Post-processing overview 後期處理概述

Bloom effect enabled
