
qml 不重新整理 放大還原,QT5 QML ListView的内容放大

qml 不重新整理 放大還原,QT5 QML ListView的内容放大

I am trying to implement an image viewer (sort of):

model/view approach

using both c++ and qml

the images are just a ListView filled up with Image (delegate) items

Here is a piece of code:

property double zoomFactor: 1.5;

property double imgScale: 1;



id: toolBar



imgScale = imgScale*zoomFactor;




imgScale = imgScale/zoomFactor;




imgScale = 1;





id: bgRect

Layout.fillWidth: true

Layout.fillHeight: true

color: "Grey"

anchors.margins: 10



id: scrollView

anchors.fill: parent



id: listView

anchors.fill: parent

clip: true

spacing: 10

model: listItemModel

anchors.top: parent.top

anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

anchors.left: parent.left

anchors.right: parent.right

anchors.margins: 10

boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds

delegate: Image


id: item_id

anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

source: item_img_path + "/" + Math.random()

scale: imgScale





The images are loaded correctly, I need to be able to zoom them.

In order to zoom I just modify the scale property of the Image delegate.

Images not scaled (scale = 1) CORRECT:

qml 不重新整理 放大還原,QT5 QML ListView的内容放大

Images unzoomed (scale = 1/1.5) WRONG! images spacing (?) is being incremented:

qml 不重新整理 放大還原,QT5 QML ListView的内容放大

Images zoomed (scale = 1.5) WRONG! images overlap:

qml 不重新整理 放大還原,QT5 QML ListView的内容放大

As you can see, zoom minus increments the spacing (I'm quite not sure it is really the spacing) between the images, and zoom plus overlaps the images.

Furthermore, it would be nice to have the horizontal scrollbar for the ScrollView when zooming in, but I cannot achieve this.

Can anyone help me?



Following the solution proposed by grillvott the images are zoomed in/out correctly, but the whole ListView is getting smaller/bigger with them:

qml 不重新整理 放大還原,QT5 QML ListView的内容放大

The result should be instead something like this (gimp mode ON):

qml 不重新整理 放大還原,QT5 QML ListView的内容放大

Any idea?


I don't think that scale will take any boundaries into consideration. You could encapsulate the image and use fillMode to make sure the image scales accordingly:

delegate: Item {

anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

width: img.sourceSize.width * imgScale

height: img.sourceSize.height * imgScale

Image {

id: img

anchors.fill: parent

source: item_img_path + "/" + Math.random()

fillMode: Image.Stretch

