
Study Plan - The Twenty-Second Day

    As soon as I arrived at the company, our department manager asked me to prepare program, he want to test it. And asked me to send he the program progress. For I just return to continue this work only one day. Many of the details should to perfect and some functions donot have finished, maybe he will test out lot of bugs. As expected, he only spend 10 minutes test it, and easy found some bugs. So he take it to a software development assistance continue to test it. Before get off work, she take me a list of bugs, maybe it will take more than two days to repair it.

    After I have received the email which include the result of our department manager test. Then I replyed this email to say that I will repair this bugs and will write a report to explain why so many bugs. During repair this bugs, I found that reason is the developer not careful, such as not cosider the code execution queue, in some condition it will occur error, and it is easy to test out. Some bugs depressed me for the bug easy to display, but it is not easy to found where the problem.
