
[機器學習筆記] 機器學習中的“過拟合(Overfitting)”和“欠拟合(Underfitting)”










訓練集上的表現 測試集上的表現 判定結果
不好 不好 欠拟合(欠配)
不好 過拟合(過配)



  • 模組化樣本選取有誤,如樣本數量太少,選樣方法錯誤,樣本标簽錯誤等,導緻選取的樣本資料不足以代表預定的分類規則
  • 樣本噪音幹擾過大,使得機器将部分噪音認為是特征進而擾亂了預設的分類規則;
  • 假設的模型無法合理存在,或者說是假設成立的條件實際并不成立;
  • 參數太多,模型複雜度過高;
  • 對于決策樹模型,如果我們對于其生長沒有合理的限制,其自由生長有可能使節點隻包含單純的事件資料(event)或非事件資料(no event),使其雖然可以完美比對(拟合)訓練資料,但是無法适應其他資料集。
  • 對于神經網絡模型:




  • 在神經網絡模型中,可使用權值衰減的方法,即每次疊代過程中以某個小因子降低每個權值。
  • 選取合适的停止訓練标準,使對機器的訓練在合适的程度;
  • 保留驗證資料集,對訓練成果進行驗證;
  • 擷取額外資料進行交叉驗證;
  • 正則化,即在進行目标函數或代價函數優化時,在目标函數或代價函數後面加上一個正則項,一般有L1正則與L2正則等。



  • 模型複雜度過低
  • 特征量過少


欠拟合的情況比較容易克服, 常見解決方法有:

  • 增加新特征,可以考慮加入進特征組合、高次特征,來增大假設空間;
  • 添加多項式特征,這個在機器學習算法裡面用的很普遍,例如将線性模型通過添加二次項或者三次項使模型泛化能力更強;
  • 減少正則化參數,正則化的目的是用來防止過拟合的,但是模型出現了欠拟合,則需要減少正則化參數;
  • 使用非線性模型,比如核SVM 、決策樹、深度學習等模型;
  • 調整模型的容量(capacity),通俗地,模型的容量是指其拟合各種函數的能力;
  • 容量低的模型可能很難拟合訓練集;使用內建學習方法,如Bagging ,将多個弱學習器Bagging。


泛化能力(Generalization Ability)是指機器學習算法對新鮮樣本的适應能力。





Overfitting occurs when a statistical model or machine learning algorithm captures the noise of the data.  Intuitively, overfitting occurs when the model or the algorithm fits the data too well.  Specifically, overfitting occurs if the model or algorithm shows low bias buthigh variance.  Overfitting is often a result of an excessively complicated model, and it can be prevented by fitting multiple models and using validation or cross-validation to compare their predictive accuracies on test data.

Underfitting occurs when a statistical model or machine learning algorithm cannot capture the underlying trend of the data.  Intuitively, underfitting occurs when the model or the algorithm does not fit the data well enough.  Specifically, underfitting occurs if the model or algorithm shows low variance but high bias.  Underfitting is often a result of an excessively simple model.

Both overfitting and underfitting lead to poor predictions on new data sets.


refer from http://www.analyticbridge.com/profiles/blogs/underfitting-overfitting-problem-in-m-c-learning

Underfitting : 

If our algorithm works badly with points in our data set, then the algorithm underfitting the data set. It can be check easily throug the cost function measures. Cost function in linear regression is half the mean squared error ex. if mean squared error is c the cost fucntion is 0.5C 2. If in an experiment cost ends up high even after many iterations, then chances are we have an underfitting problem. We can say that learning algorithm is not good for the problem. Underfitting is also known as high bias( strong bias towards its hypothesis). In an another words we can say that hypothesis space the learning algorithm explores is too small to properly represent the data.

How to avoid underfitting :

More data will not generally help. It will, in fact, likely increase the training error. Therefore we should increase more features. Because that expands the hypothesis space. This includes making new features from existing features. Same way more parameteres may also expand the hypothesis space.

Overfitting : 

If our algorithm works well with points in our data set, but not on new points, then the algorithm overfitting the data set. Overfitting check easily through by spliting the data set so that 90% of data in our training set and 10% in a cross-validation set. Train on the training set, then measure the cost on the cross-validation set. If the cross-validation cost is much higher than the training cost, then chances are we have an overfitting problem. In another words we can say that hypothesis space is too large, and perhaps some features are faking the learning algorithm out.

How to avoid overfitting :

To avoid overfitting add the regularization if there are many features. Regularization forces the magnitudes of the parameters to be smaller(shrinking the hypothesis space). For this add a new term to the cost function