
Kibana User Guide [4.2] » Getting Started with Kibana » Defining Your Index Patterns

Each set of data loaded to Elasticsearch has an index pattern. In the previous section, the Shakespeare data set has an index named 


, and the accounts data set has an index named 


. An index pattern is a string with optional wildcards that can match multiple indices. For example, in the common logging use case, a typical index name contains the date in MM-DD-YYYY format, and an index pattern for May would look something like 



每個加載到ES的資料集都有一個索引模式。在前一部分,莎士比亞資料集有一個叫“莎士比亞”的索引名,而且,計數資料集用一個索引名叫“bank”。索引模式是一個包含可選通配符的字元串,它可以比對多種索引。例如,在通常的日志使用案例中,一個典型的索引名包括MM-DD-YYYY 格式的日期,而且五月的索引模式看起來像是logstash-2015.05。

For this tutorial, any pattern that matches the name of an index we’ve loaded will work. Open a browser and navigate to 


. Click the Settings tab, then the Indices tab. Click Add New to define a new index pattern. Two of the sample data sets, the Shakespeare plays and the financial accounts, don’t contain time-series data. Make sure the Index contains time-based events box is unchecked when you create index patterns for these data sets. Specify 


 as the index pattern for the Shakespeare data set and click Create to define the index pattern, then define a second index pattern named 



在這篇教程中,任何滿足我們加載的滿足索引名字的模式都将産生作用。打開浏覽器,通路localhost:5601。點選‘Settings’按鈕,然後是‘Indices’按鈕。點選‘Add New’來定義一個新模式。兩個資料集中的簡單例子,莎士比亞劇本和财務記賬,并沒有包含時間序列的資料。當你為資料集建立索引模式時,確定‘Index contains time-based events’的使用未受限。為莎士比亞資料集,指定‘shake*’作為索引模式,然後點選‘Create’來定義索引模式,最後定義一個名字是‘ba*’的二級索引模式。

The Logstash data set does contain time-series data, so after clicking Add New to define the index for this data set, make sure the Index contains time-based events box is checked and select the 


 field from the Time-field name drop-down.

Logstash資料集包含時間序列的資料,是以,在點選‘Add New’來為資料集定義索引之後,確定‘Index contains time-based events’欄是封閉的,從’Time-field name‘下拉清單選擇@timestamp字段。

Discovering Your Data


Click the Discover tab to display Kibana’s data discovery functions:


Kibana User Guide [4.2] » Getting Started with Kibana » Defining Your Index Patterns

Right under the tab itself, there is a search box where you can search your data. Searches take a specificquery syntax that enable you to create custom searches, which you can save and load by clicking the buttons to the right of the search box.


Beneath the search box, the current index pattern is displayed in a drop-down. You can change the index pattern by selecting a different pattern from the drop-down selector.


You can construct searches by using the field names and the values you’re interested in. With numeric fields you can use comparison operators such as greater than (>), less than (<), or equals (=). You can link elements with the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT, all in uppercase.


Try selecting the 


 index pattern and putting the following search into the search box:


account_number:<100 AND balance:>47500      

This search returns all account numbers between zero and 99 with balances in excess of 47,500.

If you’re using the linked sample data set, this search returns 5 results: Account numbers 8, 32, 78, 85, and 97.



Kibana User Guide [4.2] » Getting Started with Kibana » Defining Your Index Patterns

To narrow the display to only the specific fields of interest, highlight each field in the list that displays under the index pattern and click the Add button. Note how, in this example, adding the 


field changes the display from the full text of five records to a simple list of five account numbers:


Kibana User Guide [4.2] » Getting Started with Kibana » Defining Your Index Patterns




