


  Few species have as many natural enemies as the celebrity professor. Other academics envy their money and fame; journalists dislike their cleverer-than-thou airs, and everybody hates their determination to have it all——the security of academic tenure and the glitz of media stardom. So these are happy days for the rest of us. Plagiarism, lying, waffle-mongering: hardly a week goes by without some academic celebrity or other biting the dust, his reputation in tatters. 


cleverer-than-thou  thou有you的意思       tenure n. 任期  v. 授予...終身職位     glitz  v.使光彩奪目  n. 浮華   waffle-mongering 招搖撞騙      biting the dust 一敗塗地      in tatters(破碎的)  徹底粉碎

  Stephen Ambrose was arguably America's favorite historian, a man who wrote bestsellers faster than most people read them. An inspirer of Hollywood blockbusters, he can also claim credit for two of the best presidential biographies around, on Eisenhower and Nixon. But it now turns out that five of his books contain extensive "borrowings" from other historians. ("I'm not writing a PhD", he has offered as an explanation- an unsurprising claim, as he would not get one for somebody else's work.) 


  Mr. Ambrose must be grateful that attention has shifted to another cutter and paster, Doris Kearns Goodwin. She was a fixture on American television, always ready with a telling anecdote on,say, Lyndon Johnson (whom she knew) or Abraham Lincoln (the subject of her next blockbuster). Her handling of the plagiarism charges against her has arguably been worse than the charges themselves. In the last 1980s, she quietly mollified one of her chief victims, paying her some money. Now she explains her behavior by the fact that she relied on handwritten notes——something other historians have managed to do without such dire consequences. Amazingly, Ms. Goodwin remains on Harvard's board of overseers,despite the fact that she committed sins that might get an undergraduate expelled. 


mollified  v. 安撫,使平靜        dire adj. 可怕的,極端的   board of overseers  校董會監督

  The hunt is now on for the next serial plagiarist. Meanwhile, other charges are also being hurled at celebrity professors. Take compulsive lying. Joseph Elis, the author of a first-rate study of the Founding Fathers, told the students that he had fought in Vietnam when the closest he came to combat was sitting in a university library. Or take hypocrisy. Paul Krugman, a professor of economics at Princeton University,used his column in the New York Times to Savage the Bush administration for its links to Enron, when the fearless professor had himself received $ 37,500 from the energy firm. Or take general flatulence. A squabble between Larry Summers, Harvard's combative new president, and Cornel West, a professor of black studies,alerted the world to the latter's recent work, which turns out to be a mixture of post-structuralist mumbo jumbo, religious rhetoric, and rap music. More should be expected from one of only 17 people to hold the exalted title of university professor at Harvard. 


  Is this a case of a few bad apples? In public intellectual (Harvard University Press) Richard Posner, a federal judge, argues that it is the whole barrel. Although the book looks at all sorts of thinkers(not just whorish academics), Mr. Posner suggests that celebrity professors owe their influence to a fraud. They build their reputations tilling some minuscule academic field and then pontificate on Charlie Rose about everything under the sun. 


  All true. Yet the judge, himself a leading intellectual for hire, is a little too harsh. Each celebrity professor may be a nauseous beast. Yet there are two big arguments in favor of what they do. Most obviously, they help to circulate ideas. They give educated laypeople a chance to get their information from real authorities rather than mere journalists. They give universities a chance to pay back some of their debt to the societies that nurture them. The fact that America's bestseller lists feature works written by academic authorities amongst the ghost-written memoirs and celebrity suck-up jobs should be cause for rejoicing.


  The second point is that they help to keep talented people in academia. Some noble souls will always be willing to put up with low salaries in exchange for a chance to pursue the truth,it is hard to imagine John Rawls hustling for a bit of extra cash. But others are inevitably attracted to money and bright lights. A bit of moonlighting is a relatively easy way for universities to keep some of their smarter faculty happy. 


  What about the costs of this moonlighting? Don't academic superstars short-change their universities? Well, a bit. Yet the ostentatiously ludicrous Mr. West has undoubtedly helped to attract bright students to Harvard in the same way that those rather more serious once did. Surveys suggest that academics who engage in outside activities are actually more likely to do their share of teaching than those who don't. Besides, the link between popular success and lower academic standards is not sharp. Mr. Ambrose and Ms. Goodwin both started "borrowing" other people's work before they hit the big time. 


  Fundamentally, the besetting sin of American academia is not celebrity professors but hyper-specialization. Academics have a bit of crawling along the frontier of knowledge with a magnifying glass, blind to the wide vistas opening up before them, and often reducing the most engaging subjects to tedious debates about methodology. By looking at the big picture, populists restore the excitement of intellectual life. Who has done more for literary studies in the United States: Harold Bloom or the thousands of post-structuralists and their insufferable conferences? Who has more to advance the understanding of  American business: Peter Drucker, who has never been employed by an Ivy League university, or the entire list of contributors to the Journal of Supply Chain Management? 


  And the market does work. The same media machine that turned Mr. Ambrose and Ms. Goodwin into superstars is now trashing their reputations. The honest majority of celebrity professors improve the world by spreading the fruits of academic research. The dishonest minority pay for their sins with the loss of their cherished reputations.
