
JAVA unix / Win OS / 檔案目錄建立、删除 和 目錄權限(file permission)

 1 檔案目錄建立、删除(适用于unix \ Win XP 系統  ;Win 7未測試)

       public static  Boolean createScrrenManagerFolder(String savePath){

        Boolean isBln = false;

        String   savePath =HttpServletRequest.getServletContext().getRealPath("");

        String lastsFolderPath = "";

       String partPathString = "";

        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd/HHmmss");// 設定日期格式

        String systime = df.format(new Date());

        String partPathString = systime.substring(0, systime.lastIndexOf("/")+1);


            if (savePath.indexOf("wtpwebapps") != -1) {//eclipse 調試狀态下的項目路徑

                int index1 = savePath.indexOf("\\.");

                int index2 = savePath.lastIndexOf("\\");

                lastsFolderPath = savePath.substring(0, index1) + savePath.substring(index2, savePath.length()) + "\\WebContent\\" ;

            } else {//war包運作狀态下的項目路徑

                lastsFolderPath = savePath + "/" ;


            lastsFolderPath = lastsFolderPath +"resources/upload/picture/uuid/"+partPathString;//eg:E:\Tomcat7\vCat/2013/05/07/

            File fp = new File(lastsFolderPath);  

            // 建立目錄

            if (!fp.exists()) {

                fp.mkdirs();// 目錄不存在的情況下,建立目錄。


            isBln = true;


        catch(Exception e){

            isBln = false;



        return isBln;


**====================================//4 遞歸删除空目錄(隻删除空的四級目錄:%path%/uuid/2013/06/21/)================================**

    public void delFolderFour(){      

            Integer folderDeep = 4 ;

            while (lastsPath.indexOf("/") != -1  && ( (folderDeep--) > 0) ) {

                if( "0".equals(delFolder(lastsPath.trim())) ){

                    lastsPath = lastsPath.substring(0,lastsPath.length()-1);

                    lastsPath = lastsPath.substring(0,lastsPath.lastIndexOf("/"));







 //    遞歸删除空目錄

    public static String delFolder(String filePath) {

        String isBln = "0";//含有空目錄

        File fp = new File(filePath);


            // 遞歸删除空目錄

            if (fp.exists() && fp.isDirectory()) {

                File[] files = fp.listFiles();

                if (files.length == 0) {// 空檔案夾




                    isBln = "1" ;// 不為空檔案夾,直接跳出,不用檢查此目錄的上級目錄是否為空檔案夾




        catch(Exception e){

            isBln = "2";//異常,直接跳出


        return isBln;


**========================================目錄權限(file permission)=======================================**

 2 目錄權限(file permission)

http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/io/File.html(API )


         In Java, file permissions are very OS specific: *nix , NTFS (windows) and FAT/FAT32, all have different kind of file permissions. Java comes with some generic file permission to deal with it.

Check if the file permission allow :

  1. file.canExecute(); – return true, file is executable; false is not.
  2. file.canWrite(); – return true, file is writable; false is not.
  3. file.canRead(); – return true, file is readable; false is not.

Set the file permission :

  1. file.setExecutable(boolean); – true, allow execute operations; false to disallow it.
  2. file.setReadable(boolean); – true, allow read operations; false to disallow it.
  3. file.setWritable(boolean); – true, allow write operations; false to disallow it.
  4. separatorChar

    public static final char separatorChar      
    The system-dependent default name-separator character. This field is initialized to contain the first character of the value of the system property


    . On UNIX systems the value of this field is


    ; on Microsoft Windows systems it is



         In *nix system, you may need to configure more specifies about file permission, e.g set a 777 permission for a file or directory, however, Java IO classes do not have ready method for it, but you can use the following dirty workaround :

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("chmod 777 file");

2.1 操作java.io Class File 類:

WIN OS:如對1添權重限:


// 建立目錄

  if (!fp.exists()) {

    fp.mkdirs();// 目錄不存在的情況下,建立目錄。

   if( !fp.canRead() ){



    if( !fp.canWrite() ){



   if( !fp.canExecute() ){





2.2 操作java.io Class  FilePermission類:(未研究)      


2.3  在*nix系統中,配置檔案權限,檔案的權限為777. (java IO類沒有相關方法)

public static void updatefilePermi(){

        if( -1 != System.getProperties().getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") ){

            //1 windows OS:通過io File類對檔案路徑賦予讀寫權限



        //1 2 其它作業系統 :通過untime.getRuntime().exec()執行command對檔案路徑賦予讀寫權限 ,待驗證後進行修正

        String filepath = "";

        String command = "chmod 777 " + filepath ;

        Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

        try {

            Process exec = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);

        } catch (IOException e) {


