



George emailed me with an interesting question. Paraphrasing George, liberally, what's are some good ways to keep developers sharpening the saw - Covey Habit #7? There's been lots of talk about being a better developer, but what about the unmotivated masses? (Don't worry, we can talk about them, because, since they are unmotivated, they aren't reading blogs.) ;)

喬治給我發了一個有趣的問題。 寬容地講解喬治,有什麼好的方法可以使開發人員更容易了解鋸-Covey Habit#7 ? 關于成為一名更好的開發人員的話題很多,但是沒有動力的人呢? (不用擔心,我們可以談論它們,因為,由于它們沒有動力,是以他們不會閱讀部落格。)

The assumption being that for every totally-amped developer who is always striving to get better, there's at least 10 developers who are saying, "Hey, it's 5:01pm, I've just checked in massive changes, can I punch out?"


Here's some ideas, some mine, some Georges. I'm interested in yours:

這裡有一些想法,一些是我的,一些是喬治。 我對您的感興趣:

  • Give the developers actual set-aside time at work to read technical books.


  • Build a library of technical books at your office, and dedicate a space or room for reading and reference.


  • Host technical brown-bags at least twice a month and encourage everyone to present at least every year. (I would say even more...do them weekly at lunch and everyone needs to present at least twice a year)

    每月至少兩次主辦技術性棕色袋子,并鼓勵每個人至少每年出席一次。 (我想說的更多……每周在午餐時間做一次,每個人每年至少要出席兩次)

  • Encourage developers to attend a local Nerd Dinner to get in touch with other local developers. If you don't have Nerd Dinners, create one.

    鼓勵開發人員參加本地書呆子晚餐 與其他本地開發商聯系。 如果您沒有書呆子晚餐,請建立一個。

  • Have all your developers attend your local .NET User Group. Go one further and get them to present.

    讓您所有的開發人員都參加您的本地.NET使用者組。 再走一步,讓他們介紹。

  • Create a formal mentorship program. Build it into the HR Title System. Senior Developers mentor Junior, etc. Formalize the goals for the program with HR and build it into their job description.

    建立一個正式的指導計劃。 将其建構到HR Title System中。 進階開發人員指導Junior等。通過HR正式制定計劃的目标,并将其納入他們的職位描述中。

  • Give homework. "We're doing a lot of Threading work lately, here's some assigned reading."

    做功課。 “最近我們正在做很多線程工作,這是一些配置設定的閱讀材料。”

  • Inspire a culture of learning. If you're (assuming you're the Alpha Geek) not giving off an encouraging and enthusiastic vibe, your developers have little reason to be excited themselves.

    激發學習文化。 如果您(假設您是Alpha Geek)沒有表現出令人鼓舞和熱情的氛圍,則您的開發人員沒有理由讓自己感到興奮。

  • Create a Thanks A Bunch Cabinet. Corillian had a great system where peers could reward peers. Our administrator, Kate, had a budget given her by the Engineering Department. I think it was less than $1000 a quarter. She'd go and get as much cool stuff as she could, each under $25. This included iTunes cards, stuff from Sharper Image, Flashlights, just nerdy stuff. If you went above and beyond in some aspect of your job, one of your peers could reward you by sending you to the TABCab. You get to go home with a cool, unexpected free gift, and your peers get to tell you you're appreciated. It was a great system.

    建立一個感謝束櫃。 Corillian有一個很棒的系統,同伴可以獎勵同伴。 我們的管理者凱特(Kate)由工程部給她一個預算。 我認為每季度不到1000美元。 她會去買盡可能多的酷東西,每個東西都在25美元以下。 其中包括iTunes卡, Sharper Image中的東西,手電筒等,隻是書呆子。 如果您在工作的某些方面超越了其他人,那麼您的同伴之一可以通過将您發送到TABCab來獎勵您。 您将獲得一份精美的意想不到的免費禮物回家,而您的同齡人會告訴您您很感激。 這是一個很棒的系統。

  • Have a real written-down Training Commitment. Your company likely has Health Care as part of the benefits system, and your Human Resources could tell you how much it costs per developer. Get an amount of money (usually a percentage of their pay) dedicated to training, where training is not just in-class time, but also books and conference attendance.

    擁有真實的書面教育訓練承諾。 您的公司可能将醫療保健作為福利系統的一部分,而您的人力資源部門可以告訴您每個開發人員要花多少錢。 獲得一定數量的錢(通常是其工資的一部分)用于教育訓練,其中教育訓練不僅是課堂時間,還包括書籍和會議出席。

  • Let your programmers attend Conferences. If culturally appropriate, use the attendance as a carrot.

    讓您的程式員參加會議。 如果文化上合适,請把出席作為胡蘿蔔。

  • Twice a year, hold an offsite Company Code Camp. This was another cool thing Corillian did. We included everyone, admins, accounting, sales, everyone. We gave out an interesting problem, created diverse teams, and set them to work to design algorithms, define, write, document, and test some application. The application needs to have universal appeal, so sales and accounting can have fun. One year we did a Word Search (like the kind in the newspaper). Everyone participated and there were reasonably significant prizes.

    每年兩次,舉行異地公司代碼營。 這是Corillian所做的另一項很酷的事情。 我們包括所有人,管理者,會計,銷售人員。 我們提出了一個有趣的問題,建立了不同的團隊,并讓他們緻力于設計算法,定義,編寫,記錄和測試某些應用程式。 該應用程式需要具有普遍吸引力,是以銷售和會計可以很有趣。 一年,我們進行了單詞搜尋(就像報紙上的那種)。 每個人都參加了,并且有相當可觀的獎品。

What do you think, Dear Reader? How do you motivate, inspire, teach, beat encourage your team? 

親愛的讀者,您如何看待? 您如何激勵,啟發,教導, 擊敗 鼓勵您的團隊?

翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/sharpen-the-saw-for-developers
