


I am trying to imply the basic authentication process for a web service using JMeter. But everytime it throws out an error 401:Unauthorized. I tried using the HTTP Header manager to add a header Authorization and value to it. Still it does not work. I have also tried using the HTTP Authorization manager. Still no luck. Can someone help.


I've found through debugging requests coming in from JMeter that the HTTP Authorization Manager module doesn't encode the username and password correctly. It puts a newline character after the username.

To run a JMeter test against a Basic Auth protected endpoint, include the HTTP Header Manager and add the Basic Auth header yourself:

Manually Encoding Credentials

From MacOS or Linux:

echo -n "username:password" | base64

From Windows:

Go here and encode your "username:password" string

Adding the Authorization Header

In the HTTP Header Manager, add an entry with the name "Authorization" and the value "Basic [encoded credentials from above]"