
如何更改啟動順序 再安裝完ubuntu以後

如果在先安裝windows 後來才安裝ubuntu,如果在安裝linux的時候不小心把啟動順序設定成了ubuntu為預設, 那麼啟動機器以後MBR會預設稱ubuntu,熟悉的windows啟動畫面就看不到了,怎麼辦呢?



Fix MBR in Vista

In Vista, the procedure to fix the master boot record is a bit different. You have to start up Vista in the Recovery Environment and then run the bootrec command. Here’s how.

1. First, load up the Windows Vista disc in your drive and press any key to boot from the disc.

2. Choose the language, time, currency, etc and click Next. Now click on Repair Your Computer.

如何更改啟動順序 再安裝完ubuntu以後

3. Choose the operating system to repair and click Next. When the System Recovery Options dialog comes up, choose the Command Prompt.

如何更改啟動順序 再安裝完ubuntu以後

4. Now type bootrec.exe and press Enter. This will rebuild the boot configuration data and hopefully fix your problem. You can also run the command with switches to fix just the master boot record (/fixmbr), the boot sector (/fixboot), or rebuild the entire BCD (/rebuildbcd).

