
Create a simple unit test project with Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework

Unit test is used widely used in projects, it facilitates a lot the work of developers. Test Driven Development is a very popular development method based on unit testing.

There are some popular unit testing tools like xUnit (based on NUnit) etc. Visual studio has its own unit test "Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Web"

Here I will create a simple unit test project.

Firstly, create a class library "BankSystem" with a class "IncomeMoney". Then, create a test project "UnitTest" with a test class "BankSystemTest".

Add a reference of BankSystem in project UnitTest.

Here is the structure of solution:

Create a simple unit test project with Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework

Create a property and a method in class "IncomeMoney" 

namespace BankSystem
    public class IncomeMoney
        public decimal currentVolume

        public bool IsAcceptable(decimal m)
            if (m < 1000)
                return true;
                return false;

Create test method for testing if it's acceptable in the bank system

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace BankSystem.UnitTest
    public class BankSystemTest
        public void TestInputMoney()
            IncomeMoney im = new IncomeMoney();
            im.currentVolume = 1001;

Because current volume is "1001", it's larger than "1000". The test is failed.

Create a simple unit test project with Visual Studio Unit Testing Framework

You can download the code here: http://download.csdn.net/detail/garcon1986/4869222

Hope this helps. Enjoy coding !