
1:1 人臉比對 開源_Hacktoberfest:我的開源門戶 Hacktoberfest:我的開源門戶 (Hacktoberfest: My Gateway to Open Source)

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by Maribel Duran

通過Maribel Duran

Hacktoberfest:我的開源門戶 (Hacktoberfest: My Gateway to Open Source)

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.”
“就個人而言,我們隻是一滴滴。 在一起,我們是一片海洋。”
— Ryunosuke Satoro

Last month I set out my intention to start contributing to open source. And thanks to the annual Hacktoberfest challenge, I submitted 5 pull requests. I also found a really cool project that I am still actively contributing to.

上個月,我提出了開始為開源做貢獻的打算。 感謝一年一度的Hacktoberfest挑戰,我送出了5個請求請求。 我還發現了一個非常酷的項目,但我仍在積極貢獻。

I wrote this post to share my journey of how I found beginner friendly open source projects. I was nervous to share this on social media, but it actually gave me motivation to look for ways to begin.

我寫這篇文章是為了分享我如何找到對初學者友好的開源項目的旅程。 我很想在社交媒體上分享這一點,但實際上,這激發了我尋找開始的動力。

At first, contributing to open source can be very intimidating. But being able to collaborate with others on projects that are helping communities is such a reward on its own. Not to mention all the skills gained from reading other developers’ code and all the awesome people you meet along the way.

起初,為開源做出貢獻可能會令人生畏。 但是,能夠與其他人合作來幫助社群的項目本身就是一種回報。 更不用說通過閱讀其他開發人員的代碼獲得的所有技能,以及您在此過程中遇到的所有很棒的人。

我開始貢獻的動力 (My Motivation to Start Contributing)

My mission as a developer is to contribute to applications that empower and motivate lives. Instead of waiting for a company to hire me, I decided to take action and find ways to start living my dream as I work on strengthening my development skills.

作為開發人員,我的使命是為賦予生命活力的應用程式做出貢獻。 我沒有等待公司聘請我,而是決定采取行動,并在我緻力于增強自己的開發技能時找到實作夢想的方法。

Every month I kept listing “Contribute to Open Source” as one of my career goals, but kept pushing it back.


I used to think that contributing to open source was way out of my reach and that I had to be an experienced developer to even be able to contribute.


But I kept hearing from many seasoned developers that contributing to open source was a great way of gaining skills. They told me that it provided opportunities to work on something that many people would use regularly and benefit from.

但是我一直從許多經驗豐富的開發人員那裡聽到,為開源做貢獻是一種獲得技能的好方法。 他們告訴我,它為從事許多人經常使用并從中受益的事情提供了機會。

我采取的查找開源項目的步驟 (Steps I Took to Find Open Source Projects)

My first step toward contributing was to read over a few blog posts about Open Source and how to get started.


Below are a few posts and resources that I hope are helpful to you as well.


幫助查找對初學者友好的開源項目的資源 (Resources to help find beginner friendly open source projects)

  • https://dev.to/bhilburn/building-your-portfolio-with-open-source-777


  • https://dev.to/jess/open-source-resources-for-beginners


  • https://github.com/collections/choosing-projects


  • https://www.codetriage.com/


  • https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=label%3Afirst-timers-only+is%3Aopen&type=Issues&ref=searchresults


啤酒節 (Hacktoberfest)

I was also fortunate to stumble across Hacktoberfest, a virtual event where DigitalOcean and GitHub offer swag to encourage contributions in open source software. The goal was to make 4 pull requests (anytime in October) in any GitHub-hosted repo or project. If you accomplish this, they’ll mail you a free t-shirt!

我也很幸運偶然發現了Hacktoberfest ,這是一個虛拟事件, DigitalOcean和GitHub提供了贓物來鼓勵對開源軟體的貢獻。 目标是在任何GitHub托管的倉庫或項目中發出4個拉取請求(十月中的任何時間)。 如果您做到了這一點,他們會寄給您免費的T恤!

The most helpful part of this event was that many open source maintainers applied the label ”Hacktoberfest” to issues in their GitHub project that were ready for beginner contributors to work on.

該事件最有用的部分是,許多開源維護人員将标簽“ Hacktoberfest”應用于其GitHub項目中的問題,這些問題已準備就緒,可供初學者使用。

There are still a huge amount of beginner-friendly issues you can contribute to even though October has ended! Check it out: Hacktoberfest labels on GitHub

即使十月已結束,您仍然可以貢獻大量對初學者友好的問題! 快來看看: GitHub上的Hacktoberfest标簽

聚會 (Meetups)

The most important step that I took along this journey was attending meetups where I could find local open source projects that were helping the community.


I signed up for both Code for San Francisco’s Weekly Civic Hack Night and Write/Speak/Code’s Open Source Hours.

我注冊了舊金山每周公民黑客之夜的 Code和Write / Speak / Code的開源時間 。

Code for America Brigade’s are volunteer groups that work on local issues to help make government work better for everyone. Browse their website to find a Brigade near you: https://www.codeforamerica.org/join-us/volunteer-with-us.

美國守則大隊是緻力于當地問題的志願團體,旨在幫助政府改善每個人的工作。 浏覽他們的網站以找到您附近的旅: https : //www.codeforamerica.org/join-us/volunteer-with-us 。

I met the maintainer of If-Me. I also found an open source project that I have now been working on since mid October with a like minded team that is trying to help the SF community. Cool stuff!

我遇到了If-Me的維護者。 我還找到了一個開源項目,自10月中旬以來,我一直在與一個志同道合的團隊一起緻力于SF社群的工作。 很酷的東西!

獲得的技能和價值觀 (Skills and Values Gained)

At first I was overwhelmed at all the issues that were available, but realized that I should start somewhere — even if it was simply updating an about README file.

起初,我對所有可用的問題不知所措,但是意識到我應該從某個地方開始,即使它隻是更新about README檔案。

When I found my first potential issue I was so nervous and excited! I communicated with the maintainer to take on the issue, forked the repo, updated my node version, installed Yarn and Jest (two tools I had never used before), made a fix, and submitted a pull request! In a few hours, my PR was merged!

當我發現我的第一個潛在問題時,我非常緊張和興奮! 我與維護者進行了溝通,以解決此問題,分叉了倉庫,更新了我的節點版本,安裝了Yarn和Jest(我從未使用過的兩個工具),進行了修複并送出了請求請求! 幾個小時後,我的PR被合并了!

I almost forgot to mention how helpful Git-it’s guide was when trying to remember how to use commands for forking, cloning, creating branches, and submitting pull requests! I am so much more in love with Github now ❤

我幾乎忘了提到Git-it指南 , 它在嘗試記住如何使用指令進行分叉,克隆,建立分支和送出請求時非常有用! 我現在愛上了Github❤

By working on other’s projects I gained a few skills that I would not have been able to do alone:


  1. Learned from reading other’s people’s source code


  2. Communicated with open source maintainers


  3. Created git branches (wasn’t necessary before because I was always pushing to master on my own projects)


  4. Opened my first git issue


  5. Learned the importance of good README files (and motivated me to start writing more descriptive Readme files for my projects).


  6. Worked with a team that is excited as I am about working on projects that are empowering communities.


  7. Expanded my network


下一步是什麼? (What’s Next?)

I am currently actively contributing to a longer-term open source project: a Resilience Map, which will help the city of San Francisco prepare for a natural disaster.

我目前正在積極地為一個長期的開源項目做出貢獻:“ 複原力圖” ,它将幫助舊金山市為自然災害做準備。

I’m also really excited to continue contributing to open source projects that I found throughout this journey :)


“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” — Henry Ford
“團結在一起是一個開始,團結在一起就是進步,而合作就是成功。” - 亨利·福特

Get out there and start contributing! You will be hooked :)

趕快去做吧! 您将被迷上:)

If you have any questions about how to get started with contributing to open source projects please reach out to me on twitter!


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如果您喜歡這篇文章,請單擊“?”。 下方,是以其他人會在Medium上看到它。

Let’s be friends on Twitter. Happy Coding :)

讓我們在Twitter上成為朋友。 快樂編碼:)

翻譯自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/hacktoberfest-my-gateway-to-open-source-f44c8778b022/

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