


I was having a bit of trouble with this code that I wrote in Python 2.7. It's giving me a syntax error on the elif statement, but there's no explanation and I can't find any reasonable error in the code. (typeline is a method I defined.)

num = randrange(-25,15)

""" Toxic """

if num >= -25 and num < -10:

responses = ["Ugh, nasty.", "That was absolutely disgusting.", "My stomach feels like it's going to explode.", "Pardon me if I puke."]

typeline(responses[randrange(0,4)], "jack")

return [num, "Jack ate a VERY TOXIC FRUIT and survived.", "Jack ate a VERY TOXIC FRUIT and died."]

""" Mildly poisonous """

elif num >= -10 and num < 0: """ SYNTAX ERROR HERE """

responses = ["Yuck", "It's kinda bitter.", "Tastes like an unripe banana.", "It's not so bad."]

typeline(responses[randrange(0,4)], "jack")

return [num, "Jack ate a MILDLY TOXIC FRUIT and survived.", "Jack ate a MILDLY TOXIC FRUIT and died."]

""" Healthy """


responses = ["Definitely not too bad", "It's almost kind of tasty!", "Should I make a jam out of this?", "This is my new favorite fruit."]

typeline(responses[randrange(0,4)], "jack")

return [num, "Jack ate a HEALTHY FRUIT and was rescued.", "Jack ate HEALTHY FRUIT and survived."]

The error:

File "", line 9

elif num >= -10 and num < 0:


SyntaxError: invalid syntax


You have an unindented triple-quoted string literal right before the elif:

""" Mildly poisonous """

elif num >= -10 and num < 0:

"""...""" string literals are not multi-line comments. They create strings, and only because you then ignore the string object produced does Python ignore the line. They are still part of the Python syntax; you can't ignore indentation rules when you use them.

Use proper # comments instead:

# Toxic

if num >= -25 and num < -10:

# ...

# Mildly poisonous

elif num >= -10 and num < 0:

# ...

# Healthy


# ...

Since comments are ignored altogether by the syntax, it doesn't matter how they are indented.

If you must use """ ... """ triple-quoted strings as 'block comments', you must indent them to be part of the if or elif block they are placed in:

""" Toxic """

if num >= -25 and num < -10:

# ...

""" Mildly poisonous """

elif num >= -10 and num < 0:

# ...

""" Healthy """


# ...