

1)  Download Mozilla Source Code Source code for releases is available for download via FTP/HTTP.

2) for Windows, do all the things below:

  • If you're using Windows XP, you must have Windows XP Service Pack 2 and express edition will work.
  • You may need to install one or more Windows SDKs. See Windows SDK versions for a quick guide.
  • Install MozillaBuild , a package of additional build tools. (If you get a message saying this application did not install properly then you should see a windows dialog giving you the option to re-install with the 'correct settings'. After that all should be well.)
  • Open a shell window by running:


    (where X is 8 for VS 2005, and 9 for VS 2008). Even if you're on 64-bit Windows, do not use the files ending in



attention:  install MozillaBuild is a key.
