
Here I put nontrivial MOLPRO scripts, which I found useful for me and other:

Here I put nontrivial MOLPRO scripts, which I found useful for me and other: 

Use  the relaxed CCSD one electron density matrix to calculate the CCSD electrostatic energy (other densities, e.g. MP3 density, can be used as well) 

Save  correlated densities in the MOLDEN format 

Electron affinities through the electron-excitation program on example of EA-EOM-CCSD. "Excitation energies" with "excitation" from a special very diffuse orbital are minus vertical EAs. 

If the orbital energy of LUMO is greater than zero (the most common case)  

If the orbital energy of LUMO is smaller than zero  

Electrostatic, induction, 1-order exchange (S2) and exchange-induction components of SAPT in the MCBS (monomer-centered basis set) basis
