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Writing is a designer’s real “unicorn” skill — and one that is often overlooked by many, myself included. Over the last few years I’ve dipped my toes in and out of Medium, my newsletter, and even journalling; because I love to write. I admittedly am not the best (as my team know only too well) but it’s something that I have come to realise goes hand in hand with design.

寫作是設計師真正的“獨角獸”技能,也是很多人(包括我自己)經常忽略的一種技能。 在過去的幾年中,我将腳趾浸入Medium,新聞稿甚至日記中; 因為我喜歡寫。 我承認自己不是最好的(因為我的團隊對此太了解了),但這是我逐漸意識到與設計息息相關的。

As a product designer (or whichever title we’re using this week), it might not seem as if writing is all that essential; however not only does knowing how to write improve your ability to communicate (the fundamental purpose of design), but writing itself is design.

作為産品設計師(或者我們這周要使用的标題),似乎寫作并沒有那麼重要。 但是,不僅知道如何寫作會提高您的交流能力(設計的基本目的), 而且寫作本身就是設計 。

The ability to communicate through the written word is simultaneously one of the simplest, and the highest impact skills you could add to your repertoire; making you more valuable to clients and companies alike.

同時,通過書面詞進行交流的能力是可以添加到曲目庫中的最簡單,影響最大的技能之一; 使您對客戶和公司更有價值。

Below are a few of the biggest reasons I believe that learning to write will impact the quality of your work more than anything else.


複制是UI設計。 (Copy is UI design.)

When it comes to copy-writing for user interfaces; we want to be heard and not seen. The copy should add real value, while not getting in the way of the experience — as such, the ability to understand the impact of words and how we use them is essential.

當涉及到使用者界面的拷貝編寫時; 我們希望被聽到而不被看到。 副本應該增加真正的價值,同時又不妨礙體驗-是以,了解單詞影響以及我們如何使用單詞的能力至關重要。

From delivering clear prompts, to guiding the consumers through an on-boarding process, the words we choose to communicate should have as much thought and intention behind them as the colours, typography, or any other element on the page.


複制可以成就或破壞一種體驗。 (Copy can make or break an experience.)

In addition to the points above, tonality and structure is incredibly important. Writing can be used to build trust, give clear direction, or alert a consumer when something is wrong — and as a counter point, choosing the wrong format of writing can be detrimental to the goal we’re trying to achieve.

除了上述幾點之外,音調和結構也非常重要。 寫作可以用來建立信任,給出明确的訓示或在出現問題時提醒消費者-作為對策,選擇錯誤的寫作格式可能會對我們想要達到的目标有害。

As an example; the copy we may utilise in a social app for millennials, would be vastly different to the copy chosen in a CRM for a law firm. The lack of emojis, being the biggest differentiator 😉.

舉個例子; 我們可能在千禧一代的社交應用中使用的副本與在律師事務所CRM中選擇的副本完全不同。 缺少表情符号,是最大的差別。

寫作揭示了您的想法。 (Writing reveals your thoughts.)

We have Dribbble, Instagram, and Behance for showcasing our visuals — but design doesn’t stop there. Even more important than showcasing the sunset gradients and drop shadows, is sharing why you chose them — aesthetic is subjective, but delivering clear reasoning and logic will put your work ahead of the pack.

我們有Dribbble,Instagram和Behance來展示我們的視覺效果-但設計并不僅限于此。 與展示日落漸變和陰影相比,更重要的是,分享您選擇它們​​的原因-審美是主觀的,但是提供清晰的推理和邏輯将使您的工作脫穎而出。

In addition to being able to share your process in an enjoyable and engaging way, writing opens the door for sharing design thoughts, principles, and other knowledge that others may find useful — which in turn, will allow you to build a network and a following. Whether you’re a freelancer, in-house, or agency designer, building a strong network can be a huge asset.

除了能夠以令人愉快和引人入勝的方式共享您的過程之外,寫作還為共享設計思想,原理和其他人可能會有用的其他知識打開了一扇門,這反過來又将使您能夠建立網絡和關注者。 無論您是自由職業者,内部公司還是代理設計師,建立一個強大的網絡都是一項巨大的資産。

但是我不知道怎麼寫。 (But I don’t know how to write.)

Writing is something that comes naturally for some; and for other is equivalent to pulling teeth. I was, for a long time, the latter — and only recently have I become more comfortable in writing. One of the things I found most beneficial, was to approach learning to write in the same way I approached learning to design;

對于某些人來說,寫作是很自然的事情。 而其他的則等同于拔牙。 長期以來,我一直是後者-直到最近我才對寫作感到更加自在。 我發現最有益的一件事是,以與學習設計相同的方式進行學習寫作。

  1. Practice a lot. Just as with design; you can study for years, but ultimately there is no replacement for creating. Try to introduce writing as a habitual-practice — whether it’s on Medium, Instagram (a great place for microblogs), or a personal journal.

    多多練習 就像設計一樣; 您可以學習多年,但是最終沒有替代品可以創造。 嘗試将書寫作為一種習慣做法進行介紹-無論是在Medium,Instagram( 微部落格的好地方 )還是個人日記本上。

  2. Analyse. When consuming other’s writing attempt to look beyond the meaning, and analyse word choice and sentence structure. Just as we analyse design, we can break down the decisions and intent in written pieces.

    分析。 在消費他人的寫作時,嘗試超越意義,分析單詞選擇和句子結構。 正如我們分析設計一樣,我們可以将決策和意圖分解成書面形式。

  3. Replicate. One of the best methods you can employ as a student — find work you admire, and replicate it. It can be exact, as in painting, or design, or less exact (as I would recommend for writing). Try to extract tonality, intent, and structure — then employ similar methods to your own work.

    複制。 您可以作為學生使用的最佳方法之一-找到您欣賞的作品,然後複制它。 它可以是精确的,例如繪畫或設計中的,或不那麼精确的(如我建議編寫的那樣)。 嘗試提取調性,意圖和結構-然後對自己的工作采用類似的方法。

  4. Seek feedback. Receiving feedback (and more importantly, actioning upon said feedback) can help improve your writing more than perhaps anything else.

    尋求回報。 收到回報(更重要的是,根據所述回報采取行動)可以幫助您改善寫作,可能比其他任何事情都重要。

Writing is something I’ve always loved, but only in the last few years have I started to treat it seriously — and as a real asset in many ways. I try to write a few times a week (sometimes that makes it here, other times… not) and at least once a week to my email list.

寫作是我一直鐘愛的東西,但是直到最近幾年,我才開始認真對待它,并在許多方面把它當作一種真正的财富。 我嘗試每周寫幾次(有時寫在這裡,有時寫……而不是),每周至少寫一次到我的電子郵件清單中。

As with all skills — practice and patience is essential.


您有學習寫作的技巧嗎? 我很想在下面聽到他們的聲音,或者給我發一條推文 。 (Do you have any tips for learning to write? I’d love to hear them below, or shoot me a tweet.)

翻譯自: https://blog.prototypr.io/writing-is-a-product-designers-real-unicorn-skill-1e36e496d715
