
nova schedule 排程器之FilterSchedulerz中的 get_filtered_hosts

在filter_scheduler.py 的_schedule 中會調用get_filtered_hosts 來對host 進行過濾。

 hosts = self.host_manager.get_filtered_hosts(hosts,

                    spec_obj, index=num)


    def get_filtered_hosts(self, hosts, spec_obj, index=0):

        """Filter hosts and return only ones passing all filters."""

          return self.filter_handler.get_filtered_objects(self.default_filters,

                hosts, spec_obj, index)


    def get_filtered_objects(self, filters, objs, spec_obj, index=0):

        list_objs = list(objs)

        LOG.debug("Starting with %d host(s)", len(list_objs))

        part_filter_results = []

        full_filter_results = []

        log_msg = "%(cls_name)s: (start: %(start)s, end: %(end)s)"

        for filter_ in filters:

            if filter_.run_filter_for_index(index):

                cls_name = filter_.__class__.__name__

                start_count = len(list_objs)

                objs = filter_.filter_all(list_objs, spec_obj)

                if objs is None:

                    LOG.debug("Filter %s says to stop filtering", cls_name)


                list_objs = list(objs)

                end_count = len(list_objs)

                part_filter_results.append(log_msg % {"cls_name": cls_name,

                        "start": start_count, "end": end_count})

                if list_objs:

                    remaining = [(getattr(obj, "host", obj),

                                  getattr(obj, "nodename", ""))

                                 for obj in list_objs]

                    full_filter_results.append((cls_name, remaining))


                    LOG.info(_LI("Filter %s returned 0 hosts"), cls_name)

                    full_filter_results.append((cls_name, None))


                LOG.debug("Filter %(cls_name)s returned "

                          "%(obj_len)d host(s)",

                          {'cls_name': cls_name, 'obj_len': len(list_objs)})

        if not list_objs:

            # Log the filtration history

            # NOTE(sbauza): Since the Cells scheduler still provides a legacy

            # dictionary for filter_props, and since we agreed on not modifying

            # the Cells scheduler to support that because of Cells v2, we

            # prefer to define a compatible way to address both types

            if isinstance(spec_obj, dict):

                rspec = spec_obj.get("request_spec", {})

                inst_props = rspec.get("instance_properties", {})

                inst_uuid = inst_props.get("uuid", "")


                inst_uuid = spec_obj.instance_uuid

            msg_dict = {"inst_uuid": inst_uuid,

                        "str_results": str(full_filter_results),


            full_msg = ("Filtering removed all hosts for the request with "

                        "instance ID "

                        "'%(inst_uuid)s'. Filter results: %(str_results)s"

                       ) % msg_dict

            msg_dict["str_results"] = str(part_filter_results)

            part_msg = _LI("Filtering removed all hosts for the request with "

                           "instance ID "

                           "'%(inst_uuid)s'. Filter results: %(str_results)s"

                           ) % msg_dict



        return list_objs

關鍵是調用 objs = filter_.filter_all(list_objs, spec_obj),而filter_all 也在這這個檔案中的BaseFilter類中

class BaseFilter(object):

    """Base class for all filter classes."""

    def _filter_one(self, obj, spec_obj):

        """Return True if it passes the filter, False otherwise.

        Override this in a subclass.


        return True

    def filter_all(self, filter_obj_list, spec_obj):

        """Yield objects that pass the filter.

        Can be overridden in a subclass, if you need to base filtering

        decisions on all objects.  Otherwise, one can just override

        _filter_one() to filter a single object.


        for obj in filter_obj_list:

            if self._filter_one(obj, spec_obj):

                yield obj

而在./scheduler/filters/__init__.py 中BaseHostFilter繼承了filters.BaseFilter,是以會調用BaseHostFilter中的_filter_one,這個_filter_one 又調用host_passes

class BaseHostFilter(filters.BaseFilter):

    """Base class for host filters."""

    def _filter_one(self, obj, filter_properties):

        """Return True if the object passes the filter, otherwise False."""

        return self.host_passes(obj, filter_properties)

    def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):

        """Return True if the HostState passes the filter, otherwise False.

        Override this in a subclass.


        raise NotImplementedError()


class BaseCoreFilter(filters.BaseHostFilter):

    def _get_cpu_allocation_ratio(self, host_state, spec_obj):

        raise NotImplementedError

    def host_passes(self, host_state, spec_obj):

        """Return True if host has sufficient CPU cores.

        :param host_state: nova.scheduler.host_manager.HostState

        :param spec_obj: filter options

        :return: boolean


        if not host_state.vcpus_total:

            # Fail safe

            LOG.warning(_LW("VCPUs not set; assuming CPU collection broken"))

            return True

        instance_vcpus = spec_obj.vcpus

        cpu_allocation_ratio = self._get_cpu_allocation_ratio(host_state,


        vcpus_total = host_state.vcpus_total * cpu_allocation_ratio

        # Only provide a VCPU limit to compute if the virt driver is reporting

        # an accurate count of installed VCPUs. (XenServer driver does not)

        if vcpus_total > 0:

            host_state.limits['vcpu'] = vcpus_total

            # Do not allow an instance to overcommit against itself, only

            # against other instances.

            if instance_vcpus > host_state.vcpus_total:

                LOG.debug("%(host_state)s does not have %(instance_vcpus)d "

                          "total cpus before overcommit, it only has %(cpus)d",

                          {'host_state': host_state,

                           'instance_vcpus': instance_vcpus,

                           'cpus': host_state.vcpus_total})

                return False

        free_vcpus = vcpus_total - host_state.vcpus_used

        if free_vcpus < instance_vcpus:

            LOG.debug("%(host_state)s does not have %(instance_vcpus)d "

                      "usable vcpus, it only has %(free_vcpus)d usable "


                      {'host_state': host_state,

                       'instance_vcpus': instance_vcpus,

                       'free_vcpus': free_vcpus})

            return False

        return True

可見傳回false的case就是instance_vcpus > host_state.vcpus_total:也就是需要的cpu大于總的可以提供的cpu,free_vcpus < instance_vcpus即空閑的cpu小于虛拟機要求的cpu.可見filter并沒有什麼神秘的,就是簡單的數量比較而已
