


Cam,jam,dam xinchi外語

cam英 [kæm] 美 [kæm]

n. 凸輪

n. (Cam)人名;(英、法、西)卡姆

[ 複數 cams 第三人稱單數 cams 現在分詞 camming 過去式 cammed 過去分詞 cammed ]

短語Cam Gigandet 凱姆·吉甘戴 ; 吉甘戴 ; 凱姆·吉甘特 ; 吉岡戴

Kiss cam 親吻鏡頭 ; 親親鏡頭 ; 親親攝影機

cam follower 凸輪随動件 ; [機] 凸輪從動件 ; 挺杆 ; 凸輪附件

Nam Cam 張文甘

River Cam 康河 ; 劍河 ; 也叫康河 ; 也有叫康河

cam profile 凸輪廓線 ; 實際廓線 ; [機] 凸輪輪廓

Cam Ranh Bay 金蘭灣軍事基地

cam block 滑塊 ; 三角滑塊

cam driver 鍘楔 ; 斜楔


cam mechanism 凸輪機構

cam profile 凸輪輪廓;實際廓線

cam shaft 凸輪軸

cylindrical cam 圓柱凸輪,柱形凸輪

disk cam [機械]盤形凸輪

eccentric cam 偏心凸輪

cam surface 凸輪面;凸輪表面;轗表面

cam follower 凸輪從動件;凸輪從動滾輪;挺杆;凸輪跟随器


That is an excellent question, but first, you should be familiar with how CAM defines the structure.

這是一個非常好的問題,不過,你首先應該熟悉 CAM 是如何定義結構的。


With a CAM template and hints file, you are able to create example files, which you can then use for conformance purposes.

通過 CAM 模闆和提示檔案,您能夠建立示例檔案,然後您就可以将這些示例檔案用于一緻性的目的了。


Other possible reasons include problems with the oil pump, rod and main bearing clearances, camshaft stopping playing, or cam bearings and lifters.


jam英 [dʒæm] 美 [dʒæm]

n. 果醬;堵塞,擁擠;麻煩,困境;<非正式>爵士樂(搖滾樂)即興演奏會;卡住,軋住

v. 塞滿,擠滿;卡住,發生故障;壓進,塞入;幹擾(無線電或電子信号);(電話系統因很多人同時打電話而)癱瘓;擠傷,壓傷;<非正式> 即興表演;(向擊球手)投(内角球);猛推(身體部位、杠杆等)

【名】 (Jam) (伊朗、巴基)賈姆 (人名)


Space Jam 空中大灌籃 ; 空中大掼籃 ; 太空大灌籃 ; 宇宙大灌籃

Jam Hsiao 王妃

traffic jam 交通擁擠 ; 交通堵塞 ; 交通阻塞 ; 塞車

交通運輸工程 | 電子、通信與自動控制技術 | 機械工程 | 法學 | 農業科學 | 計算機科學技術擁擠 - 引用次數:111Wth the development of economy, the traffic jam becomes more andmore serious in cities.

jam [ dʒæm ]

n.preserve of crushed fruit

informal terms for a difficult situation同義詞: fix hole mess muddle pickle kettle of fish

a dense crowd of people同義詞: crush press

deliberate radiation or reflection of electromagnetic energy for the purpose of disrupting enemy use of electronic devices or systems同義詞: jamming electronic jamming

v.press tightly together or cram同義詞: throng mob pack pile

push down forcibly"The driver jammed the brake pedal to the floor"

crush or bruise"jam a toe"

同義詞: crush

interfere with or prevent the reception of signals同義詞: block

get stuck and immobilized"the mechanism jammed"

crowd or pack to capacity"the theater was jampacked"

同義詞: jampack ram chock up cram wad

block passage through同義詞: obstruct obturate impede occlude block close up

以上來源于: WordNet


jam /dʒæm/ CET4 TEM4 ( jamming, jammed, jams )

1. V-T If you jam something somewhere, you push or put it there roughly. 胡亂地塞

例:Pete jammed his hands into his pockets.


2. V-T/V-I If something such as a part of a machine jams, or if something jams it, the part becomes fixed in position and is unable to move freely or work properly. 卡住

例:The second time he fired his gun jammed.


例:A rope jammed the boat's propeller.


3. V-T If vehicles jam a road, there are so many of them that they cannot move. (車輛) 堵塞

例:Hundreds of departing motorists jammed roads that had been closed during the height of the storm.


4. N-COUNT Jam is also a noun. 堵塞

例:400 trucks may sit in a jam for ten hours waiting to cross the limited number of bridges.

400 輛卡車可能會堵上10個小時才能通過有限的幾座橋。

5. jammed ADJ 堵塞了的

例:Nearby roads and the dirt track to the beach were jammed with cars.


6. V-T/V-I If a lot of people jam a place, or jam into a place, they are pressed tightly together so that they can hardly move. 擠滿

例:Hundreds of people jammed the boardwalk to watch.


7. jammed ADJ 擠滿的

例:The stadium was jammed and they had to turn away hundreds of disappointed fans.


8. V-T To jam a radio or electronic signal means to interfere with it and prevent it from being received or heard clearly. 幹擾 (無線電、電子信号等)

例:They will try to jam the transmissions electronically.


9. jamming N-UNCOUNT 幹擾

例:The plane is used for electronic jamming and radar detection.


10. V-T If callers are jamming telephone lines, there are so many callers that the people answering the telephones find it difficult to deal with them all. 堵塞 (電話線路)

例:Hundreds of callers jammed the switchboard for more than an hour.


11. N-MASS Jam is a sweet food consisting of pieces of fruit cooked with a large amount of sugar until it is thickened. It is usually spread on bread. 果醬 [英國英語]

例:I had two jam sandwiches.



traffic jam 交通阻塞,塞車

in a jam 事情搞得一團糟,陷入困境

jam in 用力把…塞進去

jam on v. 踩壓

strawberry jam 草莓醬,草莓果醬

詞根: jam

adj.jammed 堵塞的;擁擠的;軋住了的

n.jamming 幹擾;堵塞;抑制

v.jamming 塞進(jam的ing形式)

compress, press, squeeze, squash, jam


compress 指把某些東西壓在一起或使占有較小空間。

press 普通用詞,指一個物體在另一個物體上加壓力。

squeeze 多指從兩面或多面施加壓力來壓緊、壓碎或壓出水來。

squash 指某物受力被壓偏或壓碎。也指塞擠。

jam 專指四面八方都壓緊或塞滿。



We were stuck in a traffic jam.


The fruit can be made into jam.


Skim the jam and let it cool.


dam英 [dæm] 美 [dæm]n. 堤,壩;母獸,母畜;<南非>水庫;(牙科手術中的)橡皮障

v. (在河上)築壩;阻止,抑制

【名】 (Dam)(美)丹(人名)

[ 複數 dams 第三人稱單數 dams 現在分詞 damming 過去式 dammed 過去分詞 dammed ]


Hoover Dam 胡佛水壩 ; 胡佛大壩 ; 胡佛壩

arch dam [水利] 拱壩 ; 阿克坦 ; 詳細翻譯

Itaipu Dam 伊泰普水電站 ; 伊泰普大壩 ; 伊台布灞 ; 依泰普大壩

Henrik Dam 亨利克·達姆

Dam Square 水壩廣場 ; 達姆廣場 ; 協和廣場

check dam 節制壩 ; 谷坊

Gardiner Dam 加德納大壩 ; 加德納壩

Son Dam Bi 孫淡妃 ; 孫丹菲

Aswan Dam 阿斯旺水壩 ; 阿斯旺大壩 ; 阿斯旺高壩


dam /dæm/ CET4 TEM4

1. N-COUNT A dam is a wall that is built across a river in order to stop the water from flowing and to make a lake. 水壩

例:Before the dam was built, Campbell River used to flood in the spring.


2. N a reservoir of water created by such a barrier 壩中的水

3. V to obstruct or restrict by or as if by a dam 築壩阻攔

4. INTERJ/ADV/ADJ → a variant spelling of damn




1. SYMBOL for decametre(s) 十米


arch dam 拱壩,拱形壩

dam body 壩體;壩身

dam foundation 壩基

gravity dam 重力壩

three gorges dam 三峽大壩



The dam had been breached.


A dam burst and flooded their villages.


The dam burst under the weight of water.


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