
Netconf 設定RPC傳回list

.yang 檔案

rpc insert-food {
        description "Operation to order the oven to put the prepared food inside.";

        input {
            leaf time {
                description "Parameter determining when to perform the operation.";
                type enumeration {
                    enum now {
                        description "Put the food in the oven immediately.";
                    enum on-oven-ready {
                            "Put the food in once the temperature inside
                             the oven is at least the configured one. If it
                             is already, the behaviour is similar to 'now'.";
            container result {
                list user_module {
                    key "name";
                    leaf name {
                        type string;
                    leaf age {
                        type uint8;

plugin 實作

1. 回調函數設定

rc = sr_rpc_subscribe_tree(session,"/oven:insert-food",oven_insert_food_tree_cb,NULL,SR_SUBSCR_CTX_REUSE,&subscription);
    if (rc != SR_ERR_OK)
        goto error;

2. 回調函數實作

static int oven_insert_food_tree_cb(const char *xpath, const sr_node_t *input, const size_t input_cnt,
        sr_node_t **output, size_t *output_cnt, void *private_ctx)
    sr_node_t *list = NULL, *leaf = NULL;
    int rc = SR_ERR_OK;
    rc = sr_new_trees(1, &(*output));
    if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) {
        return rc;

    rc = sr_node_set_name(&(*output)[0], "result");
    if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) {
        return rc;
    (*output)[0].type = SR_CONTAINER_T;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        /* - list instance */
        rc = sr_node_add_child(&(*output)[0], "user_module", NULL, &list);
        if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) {
            return rc;

        list->type = SR_LIST_T;
        rc = sr_node_add_child(list, "name", NULL, &leaf);
        if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) {
            return rc;
        sr_node_build_str_data(leaf, SR_STRING_T, "%c", 'A'+i);
        rc = sr_node_add_child(list, "age", NULL, &leaf);
        if (SR_ERR_OK != rc) {
            return rc;
        leaf->type = SR_UINT8_T;
        leaf->data.uint8_val = i;
    *output_cnt = 1;

    return rc;

NetOpeer2 調用以及傳回


<insert-food xmlns="urn:sysrepo:oven">


Netconf 設定RPC傳回list