

{"info":{"title":{"content":"“鐘表不挂三處,日子越過越富”,哪三處?老祖宗的話不是沒道理","en":"\"If the clock is not hung in three places, the richer the days go by\", which three places? The words of the ancestors are not unreasonable"},"description":{"content":"文丨阿魯聊科普編輯丨阿魯聊科普前言:在現代社會,時間被視為極其珍貴的資源,人們常說“時間就是金錢”,可見時間對每個人都是...","en":"Text丨Alu Talks about Popular Science Editor丨Aru Talks about Popular Science Foreword: In modern society, time is regarded as an extremely precious resource, and people often say that \"time is money\", which shows that time is for everyone..."}},"items":[]}
