










我們還加強了教育方面的努力,提高了對電子煙危害和違法性的認識。在2023年,HPB推出了針對青少年和年輕成年人的無煙電子煙運動。在學校,HPB已經向近90,000名學生傳達了這些資訊。家長作為這項努力的重要利益相關者,也通過Parent Hub提供的指導和資源及時了解了電子煙的危害和違法性。

我們将繼續支援吸煙或吸煙者戒煙。戒煙計劃在各種場所都可以獲得,包括醫療機構、工作場所、制服服務、教育機構和社群,例如HPB的“I Quit”戒煙活動和健康SG計劃。在2023年,HPB支援了4,700名成年人和2,300名兒童和青少年踏上戒煙之路。我強烈建議所有吸煙者或吸電子煙者尋求醫療專業人士的建議,并盡快戒煙。他們的家人朋友也應鼓勵他們過無尼古丁的生活。




As several Members and Singaporeans have raised, the emerging and urgent issue, is vaping.

There is a growing body of evidence that e-vaporisers are harmful, as they contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance, that can also harm the developing brains of youths. The cancer-causing chemicals and other toxic substances in e-vaporisers also increase the risk of heart and lung diseases.

To Mr Ang and Dr Wan Rizal’s questions, vaping is a multifaceted issue and requires coordinated whole-of-Government efforts to tackle. MOH, along with the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) and the HPB, take a serious view on vaping. The public can access information on the prohibition of e-vaporisers and its health harms across HSA and HPB’s websites. We have worked across Ministries and agencies to step up enforcement and education measures, to protect our population and prevent e-vaporisers from taking hold in Singapore.

Upstream, all sales and advertisements of e-vaporisers are prohibited under the law, in Singapore. Digital platform owners are expected to proactively moderate content by detecting and removing sales and advertisements of e-vaporisers. We will continue to work with the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) and the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to engage platform owners. At the borders, HSA has worked with the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) on a series of joint operations at Changi Airport, Woodlands and Tuas Checkpoints, and will continue to collaborate on a regular basis.

In the community, HSA is already working with agencies, such as the National Environment Agency (NEA) and National Parks Board (NParks), which have stepped up, and will continue to step up enforcement checks at public places. In addition, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) continue to refer cases to HSA, when detected in the course of their duties.

In schools and IHLs, MOE continues to take a firm stance against vaping and strengthen detection and enforcement efforts. Schools and IHLs take disciplinary actions against students caught using or possessing e-vaporisers, including suspension, or caning for boys in schools, and refer them to HSA for penalties under the law.

We have also strengthened efforts on the education front to increase awareness about the harms and illegality of vaping. In 2023, HPB launched a vape-free campaign targeted at youths and younger adults. In schools, HPB has shared these messages with close to 90,000 students. Parents, who are important stakeholders in this effort, are also kept up to date on the harms and illegality of vaping through advisories and resources available on Parent Hub.

We will continue to support those who smoke or vape to quit. Cessation programmes are accessible across various settings, including healthcare institutions, workplaces, uniformed services, education institutions and in the community, through initiatives, such as HPB’s “I Quit” programme and Healthier SG. In 2023, HPB supported 4,700 adults and 2,300 children and youths in their quit journey. I strongly urge all who are smoking or vaping to seek advice from a healthcare professional and quit as soon as possible. Those with family or friends who smoke or vape should also encourage them to lead a nicotine-free lifestyle.

Even while we step up enforcement and education efforts, we will be reviewing the legal penalties to ensure a strong deterrence against vaping and related offences.






