
利物浦大換血!紅箭三俠全上貨架 新帥點名要買5人

{"info":{"title":{"content":"利物浦大換血!紅箭三俠全上貨架 新帥點名要買5人","en":"Liverpool's big change! The Red Arrow Three Heroes are all on the shelves, and the new handsome wants to buy 5 people"},"description":{"content":"利物浦大換血!紅箭三俠全上貨架新帥點名要買5人球事百科2024-05-3115:13釋出于山東斯洛特上任利物浦主帥之後,...","en":"Liverpool's big change! The Red Arrows three heroes are all on the shelf, and the new coach names to buy 5-man ball encyclopedia2024-05-3115:13Posted after Shandong Slot took over as Liverpool manager,..."}},"items":[]}